Contact information
Head Prof. Goran Cukor
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Faculty of Engineering
Zgrada tehničkog fakulteta
Vukovarska 58
51000 Rijeka
The founding of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Rijeka in 1960 initiated, in a certain way, the activity of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (ex-Department of Production Mechanical Engineering and the previously named Department of Technology and Organisation).
The scientific and professional activity of the Department refers to the fields of research, development and design of engineering – technological solutions for the needs of the production and manufacturing industry. The Department develops and promotes all kinds of production technologies, implements new production and informational CAD/CAPP/CAM technologies, surface engineering technologies, designs processed and complex production systems, designs technological and production processes, designs computer aided production, constructs special manufacturing systems, tools and devices, introduces industrial robotics and artificially intelligent systems and implements the quality system in production.
The members of the Department are active in the following fields: research of metal workability in cutting processes and formability limits in metal forming processes; development of analytical and stochastic methods of modelling material processes; software development for the optimization of tool life and manufacturing processes; optimization of material processing; productivity increase of metal cutting processes; research on flexible manufacturing structure properties, researches in trybology processes, metal forming processes, metal cutting and casting, implementation of artificial intelligence and robotics. The Department makes contacts and it collaborates with a great number of producers, faculties and institutes in our country and in the world.
In accordance with the Bologna Declaration the courses of study within the Department are split into two groups: Industrial Engineering and Management and Technological Computer Engineering.
Keeping up-to-date with advancements and needs in the industry, the Department permanently streamlines the scientific-teaching process, which is to be seen in the proliferation of the chairs: Chair of Measurement Techniques and Quality Systems, Chair of Organisation and Operational Management, Chair head Prof. D. Sc. Tonči Mikac, Chair of Production Equipment and Robotics, , Chair of Production Technologies and Chair of Process Planning,, with corresponding laboratories: Laboratory of Technical Measurements, CIM Laboratory, Laboratory of Artificially Intelligent Machines and Processing Systems, Laboratory of Metal Cutting Processes and Laboratory of Plastic Forming and Processing Machines.

Prof. Goran Cukor
Prof. Zoran Jurković
Prof. Duško Pavletić
Prof. Mladen Perinić
Assoc. Prof. Samir Žic
Assoc. Prof. Sandro Doboviček
Assist. Prof. Marko Fabić
Assist. Prof. David Ištoković
Assist. Prof. Graciela Šterpin Valić
postdoc. Maja Vlatković
assistant Ivana Čabrijan
assistant Elvis Krulčić
assistant Hana Vukotić
Tina Kažić Tadić, mag.oec.
Martina Pavelić, mag.oec.
Sections and Laboratories
Section of Organisation and Operational Management
head: Sandro Doboviček
Section of Production Technologies
Head: Goran Cukor
Section of Metrology and Quality
Head: Duško Pavletić
Section of Production Equipment and Robotics
Head: Zoran Jurković
Section of Process Planning,
Head: Mladen Perinić- CIM Laboratory
Laboratory for Machining Processes
Head: Goran Cukor
Laboratory for Metal Forming and Machine Tools
Head: Graciela Šterpin Valić
Laboratory of Technical Measurements
Head: Maja Vlatković
Laboratory for Welding Engineering and Quality Control
Head: Duško Pavletić
Laboratory for Intelligent Machine Tools and Machining Systems
Head: David Ištoković- 3Dfindit