Contact information
Head Prof. Saša Vlahinić
Department of Automation and Electronics
Vukovarska 58
51000 Rijeka
The Department of Automation and Electronics was founded after the division of the Department into sub-departments – Automation, Electronics and Computing, at the end of the academic year 2007/08. The Department bequeathed the activities linked with the development of university and vocational study of Electrical Engineering. This Department is today the parent department of the study course Automatics at the university studies of Electrical Engineering.
The scientific research work of the Department is carried out within the framework of several scientific projects of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport along with professional projects from the fields of Electronics, Automatics and Signal Processing. These projects have enabled a significant collaboration with our local and national economy, as well as with scientific institutions at home and abroad. Results of this collaboration gave rise to numerous published papers, national and international conferences as well as elaborate, professional, and feasibility studies.
The teaching activity of the Department involves giving lectures from the fields of measuring systems and electronic instrumentation, electronic elements and circuits, analog and digital electronics, analog and digital signal processing, automatic regulation and automation of plants and processes and robotics. Students will be able to analyze and design circuits and systems from the respective fields of knowledge.

Prof. Saša Vlahinić
Prof. Miroslav Vrankić
Prof. Viktor Sučić
Prof. Zlatan Car
Prof. Vera Gradišnik
Prof. Neven Bulić
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Volaric
Assist. Prof. Nikola Anđelić
postdoc. Dominik Cikač
postdoc. Vedran Jurdana
postdoc. Ivan Markovinović
postdoc. Nikola Turk
assistant Petra Miletić
assistant Matija Varga
assistant Nardi Verbanac
assistant Sandi Baressi Šegota
Jelena Štifanić
Daniel Štifanić
Patricija Vukić
Sections and Laboratories
Section of Measuring Systems
Head: Saša Vlahinić-
Section of Signals and Systems
Head: Viktor Sučić
Section of Electronics, Robotics and Automation
Head: Zlatan Car- Laboratory for Electrical Measuements and Instrumentation
Laboratory for Asistive Technology
Head: Zoran Šverko
Laboratory for Statistical Signal Analysis and Processing
Head: Ivan Volaric
Laboratory for Electronics
Head: Vera Gradišnik
Laboratory for Automation and Robotics
Head: Neven Bulić