Head Assist. Prof. Graciela Šterpin Valić

Email address graciela.sterpin@riteh.uniri.hr Telephone +385 51 651519, int. 2519 (Office) Location 3-26
Laboratory purpose/research:
Using the laboratory for teaching and research purposes with possibility of performing practical exercises and preparing seminars, final and graduate work.
Metal forming demonstration on a hydraulic press for bending and blanking/punching of thin-walled sheet metal parts of different materials types (metal, stainless steel, aluminum). Research of deformation machining process and modeling and simulation of plastic deformation process in order to optimize processes and tools. Modeling of thin-walled sheet metal parts using Sheet Metal software.
Laboratory equipment
- Gantry-Type Hydraulic Presses KP100, KNUTH Machine Tools
Strain gauges (Resistive strain gauges)
Signal receiving device

Sheet Metal – SolidWorks
Tools, Jigs and Fixtures
Forming Technology
Project – Forming Technology
Alpron Jušići, Rijeka