Email address samir.zic@riteh.uniri.hr Telephone +385 51 651553, int. 2553 (Office) Location 3-02
Laboratory purpose/research:
- optimizing the management of raw materials in the production process, optimizing the layout of production and transport equipment in order to shorten the production process or assembly process, then improving and ergonomic design of an individual workplace …
- simulation of production process on computer programs …
Laboratory equipment:
Manual production system with modular character and 4 workstations, associated transport system and warehouse
CONCEPT TURN 55 lathe – PC steerable lathe for basic CNC training with control system, clamping accessories and tools
Robotic arm SC ROBOTER 5-plus with accessories

Engineering Software MTpro
- Production management – students are being explained the principles of determining working hours, studying and implementing improvements in the way of working in the MPS. In the exercises, students are solving the task of analysis and suggestions for improvement, arrangement and ergonomics of the workplace.
- Computer-integrated production – students are being explained the principles of Lean Production and the Kanban raw material management system. In the exercises, students have the task of determining the optimal way of organizing the assembly process.
- Production systems design – students are being explained the course of the technological process, material flow, downtime and waiting in the production cycle, the ratio of the share of processing, transport and downtime and waiting within the production process. In the exercises, students have the task of determining the optimal way of organizing the production process.