Contact information
Head Assoc. Prof. Kristina Marković
Department of Mechanical Engineering Design
Faculty of Engineering
Zgrada tehničkog fakulteta
Vukovarska 58
51000 Rijeka
The Department of mechanical engineering design was founded in 1960. as the Department of engineering design basics. The Department has been active in the field of machine elements, geared and hydrostatic transmissions and devices, as well as elements of transport technic and ship’s deck machinery.
Lectures are given in the field of: design in mechanical engineering, numerical methods in design, machine elements, mechanical power transmissions, fluid power systems and control, gear transmissions, tribology, industrial transport equipment and devices, ship’s deck machinery, technical logistics, mechatronics, precision engineering, microsystems technologies, MEMS and NEMS, measurement systems, engineering graphics and documenting, modelling by computer, engineering visualization, boundary element method. Lifelong Learning: 3D modelling.
Members of the department have taken or take part in several research projects. The results of their research have been published in numerous papers presented at relevant conferences at home and abroad, as well as printed in relevant domestic and foreign journals.
The Department has organized two important international scientific conferences.
The Department has cooperated with many industrial entities as well as with numerous foreign and domestic tertiary education facilities.
Several masters and doctoral theses have been defended at the Department.
Several instructional aids have been made and handbooks have been published by members of the Department in order to fulfil the needs of vocational and university studies.
The former Department heads are:
Prof. D. Sc. Josip Obsieger,
Prof. D. Sc. Zlatko Šverer,
Prof. D. Sc. Božidar Križan,
Prof. D. Sc. Gordana Marunić,
Prof. D. Sc. Boris Obsieger,
Prof. D. Sc. Saša Zelenika,
Prof. D. Sc. Neven Lovrin.
The research and development activities of the Department cover:
Hydraulic hybrid drives, water hydraulic systems, characterisation and numerical modelling of material behaviour, mechanical engineering design, contact problems in machine elements, modelling, precision engineering (compliant mechanisms, ultra-high precision positioning, structural analysis, integration into mechatronics devices, measurement techniques, equipment for synchrotron radiation), energy and information transmission in hydraulic and pneumatic systems, estimation of material properties by means of classical methods and neural networks, micro-systems technologies: MEMS, handling, assembly and packaging, scaling effects, microfabrication, energy scavenging, fatigue of materials, gear transmissions, planetary gears, high transverse contact ratio gears.
Current and past research projects of the Department:
Automated system for tissue parameter identification, Marina Franulović, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, 2012 – 2013, bilateral Croatian – Slovenian research and scientific project
GOLDFISH – Detection of Watercourse Contamination in Developing Countries using Sensor Networks – Enlarged, Saša Zelenika, 2013-2015, EU FP7 research and scientific project
Croatian terminology of hydraulics and pneumatics, Croatian Science Foundation, project leader D. Siminiati, 01.05.2012. – 30.04.2013.
Croatian Terminology of Machine Elements, The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia, project leader B. Križan, 01.10.2010. – 30.09.2011.
Analysis of nitrogen-related defects in compound semiconductors, 009-0982886-0542, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, partner Saša Zelenika, 2007-2014, research and scientific project
Characterization and modelling of materials and structures for innovative applications, Scientific support of University of Rijeka, Robert Basan, 2014-2016
Characterisation and modelling of material behaviour for lightweight and innovative designs, MZOS-DAAD, 2014-2015, project leader R. Basan, international Croatian-German scientific project
Materials, Durability and Load Capacity of Modern Gear Transmissions, 069-0692195-1796, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Božidar Križan, 2007- 2013, research and scientific project
ME4CataLOgue – Mechanical Engineering for Catalogue, Workgroup leader of IPA IV project (for partner Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka) Marina Franulović, 2013-2015
Ultra-high precision compliant devices for micro and nanotechnology applications, 069-0692195-1792, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Saša Zelenika, 2007-2014, research and scientific project
Development of evolutionary methods for material parameter identification, Initial scientific support of University of Rijeka, Marina Franulović, 2014-2016
Development of mathematical model of rolling-sliding-contact fatigue crack initiation and growth, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka; FH Joanneum Graz; MU Leoben, project leader R. Basan, 2010-2011, international Croatian-Austrian scientific project

Prof. Saša Zelenika
Prof. Marina Franulović
Prof. Neven Lovrin
Prof. Robert Basan
Assoc. Prof. Kristina Marković
Assoc. Prof. Jelena Srnec Novak
Assoc. Prof. Sanjin Troha
Assoc. Prof. Goran Gregov
Assoc. Prof. Ervin Kamenar
Assoc. Prof. Tea Marohnić
Assoc. Prof. Željko Vrcan
Assist. Prof. Marko Perčić
D.Sc. Andrej Borić, Lecturer
postdoc. Matej Gljušćić
postdoc. Petar Gljušćić
assistant Ela Marković
assistant Tomislav Bazina
assistant Maja Dundović
asist. dr. sc. David Liovic
Natalija Forgić
Sections and Laboratories
- Section of Construction and Precision Engineering
Head: Ervin Kamenar - Section of Construction Elements
Head: Marina Franulović - Section of Engeeering Graphics
Head: Kristina Marković - Section of Power Transmission and Industrial Transport Equipment and Devices
Head: Neven Lovrin
Laboratory for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
head: Goran Gregov
Innovative Materials Structures Modeling Laboratory
Head: Kristina Marković
Laboratory for Machine Elements and Design
Head: Jelena Srnec Novak
Precision Engineering Laboratory
Head: Saša Zelenika
Reverse Engineering Laboratory
Head: Tea Marohnić
Product Design and Analysis Laboratory
Head: Robert Basan
Acoustics and Testing of Machines Laboratory
Head: Željko Vrcan