Department of Engineering Mechanics

Contact information

Head Prof. Sanjin Braut

Contact person Natalija Forgić

Address Department of Engineering Mechanics
Faculty of Engineering
Vukovarska 58
51000 Rijeka

The Department of Engineering Mechanics was founded at the same time as the Faculty, in 1960. The scientific, teaching and professional activity of the Department has developed through time and today is based on nonlinear numerical, especially finite element and experimental analysis of constructions and engines, in the fields of elastomechanics and plastomechanics, viscoplasticity, stability, thermomechanics, dynamics and vibrations, durability and reliability, optimization in design and production, plastic metal forming, kinematics and dynamics of the robot and acoustics. The newest softwares such as Abaqus, Patran/Nastran, Dytran, Fatigue, Ideas, as well as personally created softwares offer a great possibility in numerical modelling and in response analysis of the structures and machines in various service conditions. The members of the Department have published a great number of scientific papers in prestigious international and national journals, presented papers at international and national conferences and published over 20 books and textbooks among which some abroad. The publication of books by members of the Department covered almost the entire teaching activities of the Department. A large number of candidates gained their academic title of doctor and master’s degree at the Department of Engineering Mechanics. The Department has taken an active part in all forms of scientific-teaching activity at postgraduate doctoral study, as well as at university and vocational studies of Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Electrical Engineering. The Department consistently works (or has worked) on scientific research projects financially supported by Croatian Science Foundation, on international scientific research projects (Austria, Slovenia, China, etc), on research projects financially supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. Also, the Department maintains intensive cooperation with related Departments of the Faculties in Vienna, Brno, Prague, Budapest, Kaiserslautern, Darmstadt, Zlin, Trnava, Cluj-Napoca, Ljubljana, Maribor, Zagreb, Split, Slavonski Brod and Mostar. The activities of the Department are directed also towards a collaboration with the economy, in the field of experimental testing and numerical analysis of structures and machines.

Within the Department there are three chairs: Chair of Structural Analysis, Chair head Prof. D. Sc. Goran Turkalj, Chair of Machine Dynamics, Chair head, Assoc. Prof. D. Sc. Roberto Žigulić and Chair of Solid Mechanics, Chair head Prof. D. Sc. Marko Čanađija. As a part of the Department there are also laboratories: Laboratory for Structural Strength Testing, Laboratory for Structural Fatigue Strength Measurement, Laboratory for Numerical Structural Analysis, Laboratory for Measurement and Analysis of Strain, Laboratory for Machine Dynamics and Laboratory for Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering.

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