Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering

Contact information

Head Prof. Anica Trp

Address Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Vukovarska 58
51000 Rijeka

Through fusion of the Department of Heat and Cooling with the Department of Heat Engines, the Department of Energy and Energy Plants was founded, which in 1997 was renamed into the Department of Technical Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering and in 2005 into Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering.

The scientific research work of the Department is performed within the scientific fields of Mechanical Engineering, Fundamental Engineering Sciences and Interdsciplinary Engineering Sciences, the scientific branches of Process Energy Engineering and Marine Engineering as well as of Thermodynamics, Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The scientific research work of the Department is the following: research on fin-and-tube and microchannel heat exchangers, regenerative heat exchangers and latent heat storages which include numerical and experimental research of heat and mass transfer, as well as heat transfer during phase change processes; numerical and experimental research and optimization of heating and cooling systems, as well as of renewable energy components and systems; numerical and experimental research in the field of refrigeration which include compression and absorption cooling devices and heat pumps; numerical research and optimization of steam and gas turbines and turbine plants; research of reducing pollution species emission of internal combustion engines while retaining low specific fuel consumption and aiming at the increase of specific power and reliability by sudden overload by a super charged engine; research in the field of marine engineering with the aim of optimal and energy-efficient ships power plant control. The employees of the Department carry out research activities as leaders or collaborators on scientific research projects financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Education or from other sources.

The results of the work are evident in numerous papers published in relevant scientific and technical journals and proceedings of international congresses and symposiums held at home and abroad. The scientific research resulted in Master and Doctoral Theses. Professional work is accompanied by scientific research work, and the employees of the Department are engaged in making studies, expertises, lifelong educational programs, preliminary, main and feasible projects, whereas a part of these projects are supported with consultations and supervision during their realisation.

The Department was both the organiser or co-organiser of many significant national and international scientific meetings. It is to be pointed out that the members of the Department have been engaged in organising the International Scientific Congress Energy and the Environment, which has been biennially held in Opatija.


Sections and Laboratories

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