Contact information
Department of Mathematics, Physics and Foreign Languages
Faculty of Engineering
Zgrada tehničkog fakulteta
Vukovarska 58
51000 Rijeka
The Department of Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Languages and Kinesiology brings together experts working in scientific fields which are the basis of the engineering education. It consists of two sections: the Section of Applied Mathematics and Physics offers courses in mathematics and physics while the Section of Foreign Languages and Kinesiology gives students the opportunity to use the foreign language in their profession. It also offers the elective course Physical Education encouraging students to engage in sports activities.
The Section of Applied Mathematics and Physics organises classes in mathematics and physics for all study programmes at the Faculty. Although these are fundamental sciences, classes in mathematics and physics are carried out so that the students get an insight into the usefulness of these subjects for their profession, and therefore the curriculum has been grounded upon this principle. Within the course students gain fundamental knowledge in mathematical analysis, linear algebra, mathematical modelling, numerical mathematics, stochastic mathematics and statistics, as well as fundamental knowledge in all parts of physics. At higher years of study courses are held focusing on specific fields of mathematics and its application in naval architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer engineering. Furthermore, students are given the opportunity to write their final work in applied mathematics and mathematical modelling with emphasis on its application in the profession for which they are being educated.
Within the Section of Foreign Languages and Kinesiology, courses in the English and German language are performed, focusing on their usage in the profession. Thus, the curricula follow current language trends in all four study programmes offered at the Faculty. In accordance with their affinities and prior knowledge the students can choose the foreign language that suits them best. Depending on staff availability, students are offered elective courses in the field of kinesiology.
The Department also avails of two laboratories, specifically the Laboratory of Physics and the Phonolaboratory. The purpose of these laboratories is to support the teaching process in physics and foreign language courses, and the existing equipment allows simple research.
The scientific work of the members of the Department is rich. It is carried out through several scientific projects with the focus on applied mathematics and mathematical modelling, numerical mathematics, astrophysics, methodology in teaching mathematics as well as methodology in teaching languages for specific purposes and literature. The professional work of the members of the Department is also worth mentioning, which is being focused on giving support in scientific projects from engineering and other areas.

Prof. Senka Maćešić
Prof. Nelida Črnjarić
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Dražić
Assoc. Prof. Damir Purković
Assoc. Prof. Loredana Simčić
Assist. Prof. Angela Bašić-Šiško
M.Sc. Melita Štefan Trubić, Senior Lecturer
M.Sc. Elisa Velčić Janjetić, Senior Lecturer
Vanja Čotić Poturić, Senior Lecturer
Igor Lulić, Senior Lecturer
assistant Ivan Lovro Kovačić
assistant Valentino Marković
Valnea Burić Marohnić, mag.cult.
Sections and Laboratories
Section of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Head: Ivan Dražić- Section of Foreign Languages
Head: Elisa Velčić Janjetić
Physics Laboratory
Head: Angela Bašić-Šiško- Phonolaboratory
Head: Elisa Velčić Janjetić