Power Electronics Application Laboratory has been founded in 2005. Last fifteen years has been of key importance in power electronic applications development including power converters for fotovoltaic and wind energy conversion systems (WECS). Improved power converters could been found in electric drives including sophisticated applications in robotics or in hybrid vehicles.
Emerging technologies have been closely related with new algorithms for power electronic converters. In frame of power electronic laboratory students could apply existing control algorithms to power converters and developed the new ones.

Fig. 1. Measurement of power converter switching signals for different power converters
Transistor power converters have been in focus of development for several decades including the DC/DC and DC/AC power converters, however, lately a new types of AC/DC and AC/AC power converters apear.

Fig. 2. Power converter for variable speed electric drive
Thyristor power converters has been studyed, also.

Fig. 3. Thyristor power converter
High diversity of measurements are possible because of different current and voltage probes which are available in Laboratory.

Fig. 4. Voltage and current probes
Selected scientific papers from Power Electronics Application Laboratory:
Sladić, Poljak, Bulić, Towards the New Energy Storage System for Conventional Cars, Engineering Review volume:38, issue:3, pages: 261-267.,
Sladić, Nedeljković: A New Efficiency Considerations and Application Limits of Single-Phase Active Power Filter with Converters for Photoenergy Applications , Engineering Review, volume:38, issue:3, pages: 1-10.,
S. Sladić, S. Skok, D. Nedeljković, Efficiency Considerations and Application Limits of Single-Phase Active Power Filter with Converters for Photoenergy Applications, International Journal of Photoenergy vol. 2011, Article ID 643912, 8 str., doi:10.1155/2011/643912
Sladić, B. Barišić, M. Soković, Cost-effective power converter for thin film solar cell technology and improved power quality, Journal of materials processing technology, vol. 201, no. 1-3, pages 786-790, 2008
S. Sladić, V. Ambrožič, D. Nedeljković, Single-Phase Parallel Active Power Filter with a Variable Filter Capacitor Voltage, Electrotechnical Review, Ljubljana, Slovenia, vol. 72, no. 5, 2005. B-kategorija (SCOPUS)
S. Sladić, D. Franković, I. Mužić, Comparison of Microprocessor Tools for Mechatronic Solutions on Active Power Filter Example, Engineering Review, vol. 27, no.2, 2007.
S. Sladić, B. Barišić, N. Ungureanu, Adoption of Active Power H-bridge Filter to Vibration Compensator for Machining Processes, Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 7. no. 3. 2008.
D. Franković, M. Živić Đurović, S. Sladić, Some aspects of implementing grid-connected PV systems, Engineering Review, vol. 27, no.2, 2007
S. Sladić, D. Kolić, M. Šuljić, Bidirectional DC/DC Power Converter for Hybrid Yacht Propulsion System, Pomorstvo, Travanj 2018.
Gašparini, K. Nasser, A., Sladić, S: The Fault Tolerant LED Power Converter Design for More Efficient and Durrable Lighting, Engineering review, 2014
Barišić, B., Cukor, G., Sladić, S.: Analysis and Simulation of Active Power Filter Including Fuzzy Logic Controller, Third Asian Conference on Industrial Automation and Robotics, pp. 183-188, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-9th May 2003.
S. Sladić, M. Odavić, Ž. Jakopović: Single Phase Active Power Filter with Sliding Mode Control , MELECON, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2004.
S. Sladić, M. Odavić, Ž. Jakopović: Real – Switch Simulation Model of Single Phase Active Power Filter, MIPRO MEET , Opatija, Croatia, 2004.
M. Odavić, S. Sladić, Ž. Jakopović: PWM Boost Type Converter Connected to the Grid , EPE-PEMC, Riga, Latvia, 2004.
M. Odavić, S. Sladić, Ž. Jakopović: Digital Control of Universal Power Converter, MIPRO MEET, Opatija, Croatia, 2004.
Sladić, S., Barišić, B., Cukor, G.: Efficiency Determination of Single Phase Active Power Filter for its Application in Industry, Automation and CA Systems in Technology Planning and in Manufacturing , pp. 289-292, Giewartow, Poland, 2004.
M. Antić, V. Šunde, S. Sladić: Laboratory model of a rectifier with power factor correction , MIPRO MEET, Opatija, Croatia, 2006.
Sladić, S., Barišić, B., Pepelnjak, T.: New Solar Cell Converter for Emerging Solar Technologies, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies AMPT 2006, pp. 1119-1123, vol. I, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2006.
Sladić S., Zajec P., Nedeljković D.: Transformerless Connections of Low Voltage DC Sources to Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter with Adaptive Filter Capacitor Voltage, SPEEDAM 2010, Pisa, 2010.
Bachelor thesis from Power Electronics Application Laboratory