Contact information
Head Prof. Nino Stojković
Department of Electric Power Systems
Faculty of Engineering
Vukovarska 58
51000 Rijeka
The Department of Electric Power Systems was set up at the beginning of the academic year 2005/2006 after the Department of Electrical Engineering had been split into two departments. The activity of the Department for Electric Power Systems consists of scientific and teaching work in the major field of Engineering Sciences, the field of Electrical Engineering, the branch Electric Power System and Electromechanical-Engineering.
The superior professional work of the Department is enhanced with numerous projects in collaboration with the economy. Thereby, collaboration with HEP distribution of Rijeka and HEP Transmission Opatija can be highlighted.
“Intelligent systems in the transmission electric power network”, SIPS, The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia, HEP Group, project leader: Srđan Skok, 2010.- 2013, research and scientific project.
“Open market and new technologies in EPS process information system”, 069-0361557- 1615, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, project leader: Juraj Šimunić, 2007.- 2012., research and scientific project.
“E-mobil – development of the electric vehicle”; Srđan Skok, 2011-2013, student project.
“Power transmission grid state estimation assisted by synchronized measurement technology”, project leader: Assist. Vedran Kirinčić, dipl. ing., in collaboration with: The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, prof. dr. sc. Vladimira Terzije, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, HEP-OPS d.o.o., duration: March-June 2012
Development of mathematical model, algorithms and calculations related to design and final architecture of WAM – Wide area monitoring system, Končar-KET, Srđan Skok, 2010-2011, study.
Testing of the DC system selectivity in HPP Čakovec and HPP Dubrava, HEP, Srđan Skok, 2011, study.
Power system state estimation assisted by synchronized phasor measurements, Croatian science foundation, 03.01/195, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Vedran Kirincic, March-June 2012, research and scientific project.
Generator power oscillations analysis – measurement of the HPP Dubrava and HPP Cakovec voltage angle, HEP – Generation, Hydro power plants department, Hydro north, Varazdin, Srđan Skok, 2012, study.
Technical documentation of the relay protection system settings in the plants of the transmission area, HEP – Transmission System Operator, Transmission Area Zagreb, Srđan Skok, 2012, study.
Concept project of automatic control of the part of the transmission area Zagreb; HEP – Transmission System Operator, Transmission Area Zagreb; Srđan Skok, 2011- 2012, study.
Development of central controller for monitoring and automatic control of the transmission power system – Transmission Area Rijeka based on synchronized phasor measurements; HEP – Transmission System Operator, Transmission Area Rijeka; Srđan Skok, 2011- 2012, study.
“Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control of Power System in Deregulated and Liberalized Energy Market”, 0114-24/110-2006, NZZ; HEP, project leader: Srđan Skok, year 2006-2009, science and research project.
International collaboration
Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH, Linz, Austria
Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Linz, Austria
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Institut für Elektrische Antriebe und Leistungselektronik, Linz, Austria
ABB, Baden, Switzerland
ABB Crane Systems, Västerås, Sweden
Cedrat Group, Grenoble, France
Imperial College, London, UK
The Manchester University, Manchester, UK
KEMA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
Quanta Technology, Raleigh, USA
Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, USA
University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
The Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering is covered both at university and vocational studies, whereas the teaching program encompassing the production, transmission and electric power consumption, design and power plants protection, analysis of the electric power system and the market of the electric current is covered by the branch Electric Power Systems. The Electromechanical-Engineering branch covers the fields of electric engines and electromotor drives, their application in industry, transport and other economy fields.

Prof. Nino Stojković
Prof. Alfredo Višković
Prof. Dubravko Franković
Assoc. Prof. Vedran Kirinčić
Assoc. Prof. Rene Prenc
Assist. Prof. Vladimir Franki
M.Sc. Branka Dobraš, Senior Lecturer
M.Sc. Marijana Živić-Đurović, Senior Lecturer
postdoc. Zoran Šverko
postdoc. Alen Jakoplić
assistant Luka Calcich
Patricija Vukić
Sections and Laboratories
- Section of Electrical Engineering
Head: Vedran Kirinčić - Section of Electric Facilities and Power Systems
head: Dubravko Franković - Section of Electrical Engines and Drives
head: Rene Prenc
Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory
head: Rene Prenc
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Laboratory
Head: Branka Dobraš
Laboratory for Electric Substations and Secondary Systems
Head: Marijana Živić-Đurović
Power Electronics Application Laboratory
Head: Vladimir Franki
Smart Grid Laboratory
Head: Dubravko Franković- Katedra za kompleksne energijske sustave
Head: Alfredo Višković