8. July 2024.
RESULTS Doctoral dissertations Batista, Josip: Analysis of fin-and-tube heat exchanger performance enhancement by installing vortex generators, 2022. Torbarina, Fran: Energy efficiency analysis of thermal systems with latent thermal energy storage, 2022. Kirinčić, Mateo: Experimental and numerical analysis of the latent
Development of evolutionary procedures for characterization of biological tissues behaviour – BIOMAT 01.10.2015. – 30.09.2019 This work has been supported by Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2014-09-4982 Within the framework of the implementation of the project BIOMAT during
DEcision Support System for green and safE ship RouTing (DESSERT) Funded by: Croatian Science Foundation – HRZZ-IP-2018-01-3739 Principal researcher: Prof. Jasna Prpić-Oršić Host institution: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia Project duration: 2019-2023 Funding: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ-IP-2018-01-3739)
Greener Approach to Ship Design and Optimal Route Planning (GASDORP) Funded by: Croatian Science Foundation – HRZZ-IP-2013-11-8722 Principal researcher: Prof. Jasna Prpić-Oršić Host institution: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia Project duration: 2014-2018 Funding: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ-IP-2013-11-8722)
The project is funded by the Croatian science foundation (HRZZ) Enhancement of the heat exchanger energy efficiency (HEXENER) IP-2016-06-4095 PROJECT DURATION: 15. 3. 2017. – 1. 9. 2021. ABSTRACT The research topic of the project is the enhancement of the
Co-labs are part of ADRIATinn ecosystem which is developed in 8 countries in the Adriatic area (please visit www.adriatinn.eu for more details). Collaborative workplaces (co-labs) are addressed to individuals (freelancers or potential entrepreneurs), SMEs, startups etc. They enable all these
Collaboration between RTD actors and SME The lack of cooperation between researchers and SMEs is evident even on the local level. The scope of the activities within ADRIATinn project (WP5 and WP7) will be the formulation of a cooperation framework
Contacts Mail: adriatinn@riteh.hr Phone: +385 51 651 478 Adress : University of Rijeka FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Vukovarska 58 51000 Rijeka Croatia Working hours: by appointment Programme link: http://www.adriaticipacbc.org/ This web site has been produced with the financial assistance of the
RITEH has organized the Preliminary ADRIATinn Innovation Weekend – ADRInno from 3rd till 4th of July 2015 in Rijeka. It was organized for teams with innovative ideas who wanted to learn how to prepare their idea for the market. Six
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR Engagement of a senior expert for quality assessment of activities and deliverables of ADRIATinn project, No. 1°str./0007/1, Rijeka, Croatia, Adriatic region I am pleased to inform you that Your firm/the consortium led by you is invited
The project ADRIATinn aims to increase the competiveness of the Adriatic area SMEs (i.e. help them maintain the market share they currently have) and their extroversion capability (i.e. extent their business and penetrate to new markets) through a cross border
ADRIATINN CO-LAB is a pilot action that will contribute to the implementation of an ecosystem boosting SMEs capacities. In particular, the co-lab will foster collaboration and identification of experts, collaboration among SMEs and teams of researchers with the aim to