Optimisation and Modelling of Thermal Processes of Materials (OMOTPOM)

Funded by: Croatian Science Foundation - project 5371
Project summary
Thermal processing of materials is one of the most important factors in production and reliability of engineering components. All varieties of material thermal processing technology, from heat treatment, casting and hot metal forming, to the welding, not only manufactures workpieces of required shapes but also optimizes their final properties. Objective of the optimisation of thermal processes of materials is development of models and computer simulations of thermal processes of materials and study of optimizing the application of tools and dies in thermal processing of materials.
During the thermal processing, physical processes and material properties such as: heat transfer, microstructure transformations, mechanical properties and distortions and residual stresses will be studied primarily. To solve these tasks, joined thermo-mechanic-metallurgical approach will be required. The computer program for simulation of heat transfer, microstructure transformations, mechanical properties, distortions and residual stresses during the thermal processes will be analyzed.
To meet the needs of industry to control and optimize the thermal process parameters, developed computer programs for simulation of the thermal processes will be accomplished by considering the achievement of:
- Required workpiece shape,
- Desired mechanical property distribution,
- Desired microstructure distribution by avoidance of cracking as well as reduction of distortion and residual stresses.

Principal investigator
Assist. Prof. Dario Iljkić, D. Sc., Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka
Team members
Prof. Dražen Živković, D. Sc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split, Croatia
Prof. Božo Smoljan, D. Sc., Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Assist. Prof. Sunčana Smokvina Hanza, D. Sc., Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Branimir Lela, D. Sc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split, Croatia
Prof. Domagoj Rubeša, D. Sc., Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka
Prof. Zvonimir Kolumbić, D. Sc., Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Loreta Pomenić, D. Sc., Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
D. Sc. Mauro Maretić, Technical High School, Pula, Croatia
Zvonimir Dadić, D. Sc., Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split, Croatia
Lovro Štic, D. Sc. student, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Andrej Borić, D. Sc. student, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Nikša Čatipović, D. Sc. student, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split, Croatia
Neven Tomašić, D. Sc. student, Reneteh Ogulin d.o.o., Croatia
Goran Salopek, D. Sc. student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Milenko Jokić, D. Sc. student, Polytechnic of Pula, College of applied sciences, Pula, Croatia
Hrvoje Novak, D. Sc. student, NMP Produkt d.o.o. Croatia
Selected results
Book chapter:
- B. Smoljan; Quench Processing: Multiple. In Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel, and Their Alloys; Taylor and Francis: New York, 31 March 2016; 2683-2705
Scientific journal:
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; S. Smokvina Hanza; M. Jokić; L. Štic; A. Borić; Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Steel Quenching; Materials Performance and Characterization 7 (2018), 6
- N. Čatipović; D. Živković; Z. Dadić; J. Krolo; Influence of austempering temperature and salt bath agitation on microstructure and mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron; Kovové materiály, 56 (2018), 3; 137-144
- M. Maretić; B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; Heat treatment of electroless Ni-P layers on an austenitic stainless-steel substrate; Materiali in tehnologije 51 (2017), 3; 413-417
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; M. Maretić; Computer simulation of hardness and microstructure of casted steel 100Cr6; Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 78 (2016), 1; 23-28
- B. Smoljan, D. Iljkić, G. E. Totten; Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Hardness of Quenched and Tempered Steel; Metallurgical and materials transactions B 46 (2015), 6; 2666-2673
International scientific conferences:
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; S. Smokvina Hanza; L. Štic; M. Jokić; Numerical modelling of welding of martensitic steel; 12th International Seminar “Numerical Analysis of Weldability”; Graz – Seggau, Austria, 2018
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; S. Smokvina Hanza; M. Jokić; L. Štic; Computer simulation of mechanical properties and distortions during the quenching of steel; ModTech 2018 International Conference – Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering; Constanta, Rumunjska, 2018
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; S. Smokvina Hanza; L. Štic; A. Borić; M. Jokić; B. Senčič; R. Vertnik; Mathematical modelling of controlled cooling and properties of hot rolled steel; 10th International Symposium on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2018); Novi Sad, Srbija, 2018
- N. Čatipović; D. Živković; Z. Dadić; M. Viceić; Influence of the salt bath agitation and austempering temperature on the microstructure of austempered ductile iron; 7th International Conference “Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials 2017”; Split, Hrvatska, 2017
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; L. Štic; L. Pomenić; S. Smokvina Hanza; Numerical modelling of case hardening of steel; International Conference MTSM 2016; Split, Croatia,
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; L. Štic; Computer modelling of quenching of steel die for industrial purpose; International Conference HTDC 2016, Venice, Italy,
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; L. Štic; Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Non-monotonic Quenching; 23rd IFHTSE Congress; Savannah, USA.
- B. Smoljan; D. Iljkić; G. Salopek; Prediction of Load Capacity of Quenched and Tempered Steel Specimen; International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMPT 2015; Madrid, Španjolska, 2015