DEcision Support System for green and safE ship RouTing (DESSERT)

Funded by: Croatian Science Foundation - HRZZ-IP-2018-01-3739
Principal researcher: Prof. Jasna Prpić-Oršić
Host institution: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia
Project duration: 2019-2023
Funding: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ-IP-2018-01-3739)
Prof. Jasna Prpić-Oršić, PhD
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Vukovarska 58, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
t. +385 51 651 452
Project summary
The goal of the research in a frame of project DEcision Support System for green and safE ship RouTing – DESSERT is the development of an effective Decision Support System (DSS) is planned for ship captains as well as machine commanders, which would contribute to “greener” and safer navigation of ships. The ultimate impact of such a DSS would be to make human error as small as possible, or to provide responsible persons on board the most credible data and guidance during navigation to reduce environmental pollution and make people and cargo safer.
Research related to the development of DSS will take place in two main directions: energy-efficient navigation along with reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; and increase sailing safety by collision avoidance as well as from timely reactions in the event of flooding. Within the scope of the survey, the design, implementation and analysis of questionnaires (surveys) designed for captains and engineers on ships are planned. The intention is to get the most credible data on the crew response to the individual dynamic effects caused by the worsening of weather conditions. Survey analysis is designed to get feedback on the criteria and limit values of the criteria that are relevant to deliberate speed or course change due to excessive ship motions on waves, and to develop a “virtual captain” model to be used when simulating and planning the navigation route. Significant scientific contribution to research is related to ship propulsion plants. It is planned to develop new or a combination of existing methods that will significantly affect the reduction of harmful emissions both from marine diesel engines and from marine steam turbine plants. If possible, measurements with the acquired measuring equipment will also be carried out on ships using gas-turbine propulsion, so that significant scientific contributions can be expected.
The research will provide a framework to assess in an objective and reliable manner the safety state of the ship in a generic operative condition. The framework can be used inside DSS to monitor safety and reduce risk during navigation, as well as in emergencies. By means of simulations and/or predictions, it can allow a simple comparison of different loading conditions, ship routes and weather scenarios being the base for the minimization of risk in intact condition as well as for the evaluation of countermeasures during an emergency. By including all the aspects connected to ship safety in a unique tool, it could reduce human errors occurring when a great amount of data has to be processed at the same time (a critical operation especially during an emergency).
The objective is to develop decision support system on board taking into accounts the environmental issue, creating a so-called safe and eco-efficient or “green” ship. The project team consists of the scientists who are experts in the naval architecture, mechanical engineering, marine engineering field and computational sciences, which allow solving this problem multidisciplinary.
Keywords: decision support system, seakeeping, sea wave spectra, route optimization, measurements, GHG emissions
Project overview

Research areas
- Marine Hydrodynamics
- Energy-efficient Navigation
- Ship Engine Dynamics
- Decision Support Systems
- Environment Modelling
- Signal Analysis
- Measurements on Ship
- Uncertainty and Reliability of Measurements
Research activities
- Wave Spectrum Modeling from Measurements
- Wind Loads Modeling
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity of Speed Loss Model
- Ship Engine Dynamics in Rough Weather
Team members
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Jasna Prpić-Oršić
Prof. Duško Pavletić
Prof. Tomislav Mrakovčić
Assist. Prof. Jonatan Lerga
Assist. Prof. Vedran Mrzljak
Assist. Prof. Marko Valčić
Marijana Balas, PhD student
Ivan Sulovsky, PhD student
Natalija Vitali, PhD Candidate
Denis Selimović, PhD Student
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia
Assoc. Prof. Igor Rudan
Assist. Prof. Srđan Žuškin
Kobe University, Department of Maritime Sciences, Kobe, Japan
Prof. Kenji Sasa
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Prof. Odd Magnus Faltinsen
University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Trieste, Italy
Francesco Mauro, PhD
Luca Braidotti, PhD Student
Recent publications (2022&2023)
D. Selimović, J. Lerga, P. Kovács, J. Prpić-Oršić: Improved parametrized multiple window spectrogram with application in ship navigation systems, Digital Signal Processing, Available online 25 February 2022, 103491
Sulovsky, I.; Hauteclocque, G.d.; Greco, M.; Prpić-Oršić, J. Comparative Study of Potential Flow and CFD in the Assessment of Seakeeping and Added Resistance of Ships. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 641.
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, T. Senčić, M. Jelić: Exergy analysis of a complex four-cylinder steam turbine, MTM 2022 Borovets, Bugarska
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, I. Poljak, I. Gospić: Thermodynamic analysis of backpressure and condensing steam turbines from cogeneration system, YOUNG 2022, Borovets, Bugarska
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, I. Poljak, I. Glavan: Energy evaluation of a steam turbine from solar-based combined cycle power plant, HTBS 2022, Borovets, Bugarska
S. Utzeri, L. Braidotti, J. Prpić-Oršić: Vertical Motions RMS Prediction for Small Cruises Concept Design, GNSS 2022, Baška
I. Sulovsky, J. Prpić-Oršić., K. Sasa, C. Chen: Uncertainty Analysis of Weather Simulation Modelling During Navigation, GNSS 2022, Baška
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, N. Anđelić, I. Lorencin: Nuclear power plant steam re-heating system – exergy analysis at four different operating regimes, TTES 2022. Borovets, Bugarska
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, S. Baressi Šegota, V. Medica-Viola: Energy analysis of two-cylinder steam turbine from nuclear power plant, trans&MOTAUTO Varna, Bugarska
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, V. Medica-Viola, I. Poljak: Energy analysis of a steam turbine with two cylinders and steam re-heating, INDUSTRY 4.0 2022. Varna, Bugarska
I. Sulovsky, J. Prpić-Oršić: Seakeeping analysis of a double ended ferry, Pomorski zbornik Posebno izdanje, 223-235, Pomorski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia, 2022.
L. Braidotti, J. Prpić-Oršić, M. Valčić: Free-outflow modelling in the linearised progressive flooding simulation methodology, PRADS 2022, Dubrovnik
I. Sulovsky, G. De Hauteclocque, J. Prpić-Oršić: Wave Response Prediction of a Containership Scale Model Using CFD with Overset Mesh Method, SORTA 2022, Malinska
I. Sulovsky, G. de Hauteclocque, J. Prpić-Oršić: Application of an overset mesh method for wave response of a containership scale model, NuTTS 2022, Medvednica mountain, Croatia
I. Sulovsky. J. Prpić-Oršić: On the overset grids in computational Marine Hydrodynamics, MFC 2022, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia
L. Braidotti, J. Prpić-Oršić, Bulkheads’ position optimisation in the concept design of ships under deterministic rules, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 11, 54, 2023.
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, M. Glučina, I. Poljak: The influence of steam extractions operation dynamics on the turbine efficiencies and losses, MTM 2023, Borovets, Bugarska
S. Baressi Šegota, V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, Z. Car: Determining normalized friction torque of an industrial robotic manipulator using the symbolic regression method, TSIM 2023, Borovets, Bugarska
Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, S. Baressi Šegota, I. Poljak: Energy analysis of main and auxiliary steam turbine from coal fired power plant, HTBS 2023 Borovets, Bugarska
Chen Chen, Kenji Sasa, Jasna Prpic-Orsic, Takaaki Mizojiri: A statistical approach to wave effects on ship navigation using high-resolution numerical wave simulation and shipboard measurements, Ocean Engineering 229 (2021), ISSN 0029-8018, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom, USA, 2021.
L. Braidotti, M. Valčić, J. Prpić-Oršić: Exploring a flooding-sensors-agnostic prediction of the damage consequences based on machine learning, Journal of marine science and engineering, 9 (2021), 271;
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, I. Poljak, S. Baressi Šegota: Efficiencies and losses comparison of three steam turbines – from conventional, nuclear and marine power plant, XVIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS MACHINES. TECHNOLOGIES. MATERIALS – PROCEEDINGS – 2021 Sofia: Scientific technical union of mechanical engineering “Industry – 4.0”, 2021. str. 5-9, 10.-13.3.2021., Borovets, Bugarska, 2021.
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, I. Poljak, I. Lorencin: Energy and exergy losses analysis of back-pressure steam turbine from chp plant, XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS TECHNICAL SCIENCES. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT – PROCEEDINGS – 2021, Sofia: Scientific technical union of mechanical engineering “Industry – 4.0”, 2021. str. 3-6, 10.-13.3.2021., Borovets, Bugarska, 2021.
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, I. Poljak, N. Anđelić: Determination of energy loss and efficiency for the low power steam turbine and each of its segments, VI INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE – HIGH TECHNOLOGIES. BUSINESS. SOCIETY. – PROCEEDINGS – 2021, Sofia: Scientific technical union of mechanical engineering “Industry – 4.0”, 2021. str. 8-12, 8.-11.3.2021., Borovets, Bugarska, 2021.
A. Dell’Acqua, L. Braidotti, F. Mauro, J. Prpić-Oršić: Two solutions for vertical motions assessment during concept design, 14th Annual RIN Baška GNSS Conference – Workshop on Smart Blue and Green Maritime Technologies , Baška, (10.-12.5. 2021.) GNSS 2020, Baška, 2021.
L. Braidotti, J. Prpić-Oršić, M. Valčić, F. Mauro, V. Bucci: The ship safety from seafarers perspective: application of fuzzy AHP for decision support, 14th Annual RIN Baška GNSS Conference – Workshop on Smart Blue and Green Maritime Technologies, Baška, (10.-12.5. 2021.) GNSS 2020, Baška, 2021.
D. Selimović, J. Prpić-Oršić, J. Lerga: Improved Resolution of Time-Frequency Distributions in Decision Support Systems for Green and Safe Ship Routing, 14th Annual RIN Baška GNSS Conference – Workshop on Smart Blue and Green Maritime Technologies, Baška, (10.-12.5. 2021.) GNSS 2020, Baška, 2021.
J. Prpić-Oršić, K. Sasa, C. Chen & O.M. Faltinsen: Uncertainty of weather simulation modeling approaches for the bulk-carrier, Fifth Joint ITTC/ISSC International Workshop on Uncertainty modelling in wave description and wave induced responses, on line 1-3 June 2021., Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, V. Medica-Viola, T. Senčić: Exergy analysis of base and optimized high pressure feed water heating system from nuclear power plant, Technics. Technologies. Education. Safety. 7-10.6.2021, Borovetz, Bulgaria, 2021.
N. Anđelić, S. Baressi Šegota, I. Lorencin, I. Poljak, V. Mrzljak, Z. Car: Use of Genetic Programming for the Estimation of CODLAG Propulsion System Parameters, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 612.
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, I. Poljak, S. Baressi Šegota: Efficiency and loss analysis of main steam condenser from nuclear power plant at various loads and ambient temperatures, INDUSTRY 4, 23.-26.6.2021., Varna, Bugarska, 2021.
V. Mrzljak, J. Prpić-Oršić, I. Lorencin, N. Anđelić: Exergy analysis of three cylinder steam turbine from supercritical coal-fired power plant, Trans˛MOTAUTO, 21.-24.6.2020., Varna, Bugarska, 2021.
V. Mrzljak, N. Anđelić, I. Lorencin, S. Baressi Šegota: The influence of various optimization algorithms on nuclear power plant steam turbine exergy efficiency and destruction, Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 35 (2021) 69-86 © Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, 2021,
L. Braidotti, J. Prpić-Oršić, M. Valčić, Effect of Database Generation on Damage Consequences Assessment Based on Random Forests, JMSE, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1303.,,
L. Braidotti, M. Valčić, J. Prpić-Oršić: Exploring a flooding-sensors-agnostic prediction of the damage consequences based on machine learning, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 271.
L. Braidotti, J. Prpić-Oršić, M. Valčić: Application of decision trees to predict damage onsequences during the progressive flooding, MARSTRUCT 2021 Conference, Trondheim, 7-9 June 2021
L. Braidotti: The Assessment of Ship Damage Consequences by a Fast Simulation of Compartments Flooding, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, 2021. (supervisors: J. Prpić-Oršić, M. Valčić, defence: 25.11.2021.)
Journal papers
Prpić-Oršić, J., Sasa, K., Valčić, M., Faltinsen, O.M. (2020). Uncertainties of ship speed loss evaluation under real weather conditions. Journal of offshore mechanics and arctic engineering – Transactions of the ASME, 142 (3), 031106, 5. doi:10.1115/1.4045790
Parunov, J., Ćorak, M., Guedes Soares, C., Jafaryeganeh, H., Kalske, S., Lee, Y., Liu, S., Papanikolaou, A., Prentice, D., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2020). Benchmark study and uncertainty assessment of numerical predictions of global wave loads on damaged ships. Ocean engineering, 197, 106876, 24. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106876
Poljak, I., Orović, J., Mrzljak, V., Bernečić, D. (2020). Energy and Exergy Evaluation of a Two-Stage Axial Vapour Compressor on the LNG Carrier. Entropy, 22 (1), pp. 1-20. doi:10.3390/e22010115
Fabić, M., Pavletić, D., Šterpin Valić, G. (2020). Factors in Turnaround Refinery (TAR) Project Management Process. Tehnički vjesnik – Znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku, 27 (5), TV-20180720181243, 12. doi:10.17559/TV-20180720181243
Valčić, M., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2020). Derivative Free Optimal Thrust Allocation in Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Direct Search Algorithms. TransNav (accepted).
Rudan, I., Frančić, V., Valčić, M., Sumner, M. (2020). Early Detection of Vessel Collision Situations in a VTS Area. Transport (accepted). doi:10.3846/transport.2019.11464
Book chapters
Valčić, M., Prpić-Oršić, J., Vučinić, D. (2020). Application of Pattern Recognition Method for Estimating Wind Loads on Ships and Marine Objects. In: Advances in Visualization and Optimization Techniques for Multidisciplinary Research, Trends in Modelling and Simulations for Engineering Applications, Eds. Vucinic, D., Rodrigues Leta, F., Janardhanan, S., Springer, Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-9806-3_5
Journal papers
Sasa, K., Takeuchi, K., Chen, C., Faltinsen, O.M., Prpić-Oršić, J., Valčić, M., Mrakovčić, T., Herai, N. (2019). Evaluation of Speed Loss in Bulk Carriers with Actual Data from Rough Sea Voyages. Ocean engineering, 187, pp. 1-19. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106162
Saulig, N., Lerga, J., Milanović, Ž., Ioana, C. (2019). Extraction of Useful Information Content from Noisy Signals Based on Structural Affinity of Clustered TFDs’ Coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67 (12), pp. 3154-3167. doi:10.1109/TSP.2019.2912134
Kirinčić, V., Čeperić, E., Vlahinić, S., Lerga, J. (2019). Support Vector Machine State Estimation. Applied artificial intelligence, 33 (6), pp. 517-530. doi:10.1080/08839514.2019.1583452
Hržić, F., Štajduhar, I., Tschauner, S., Sorantin, E., Lerga, J. (2019). Local-Entropy Based Approach for X-Ray Image Segmentation and Fracture Detection. Entropy, 21 (4), 338, 18. doi:10.3390/e21040338
Randić, M., Pavletić, D., Turkalj, G. (2019). Multiparametric Investigation of Welding Techniques on Toe Radius of High Strength Steel at Low-Temperature Levels Using 3D-Scanning Techniques. Metals, 9, 1355, 18. doi:10.3390/met9121355
Fabić, M., Pavletić, D., Šterpin Valić, G., Marković, M. (2019). Moderating impact of complexity on process management of turnaround project. Management and Production Engineering Review, 10 (4), pp. 25-36. doi:10.24425/mper.2019.131442
Blažević, S., Mrzljak, V., Anđelić, N., Car, Z. (2019). Comparison of energy flow stream and isentropic method for steam turbine energy analysis. Acta Polytechnica, 59 (2), pp. 109-125. doi:10.14311/AP.2019.59.0109
Mrzljak, V., Poljak, I., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Exergy analysis of the main propulsion steam turbine from marine propulsion plant. Brodogradnja – Časopis brodogradnje i brodograđevne industrije, 70 (1), pp. 59-77. doi:10.21278/brod70105
Brčić, D., Filjar, R., Kos, S., Valčić, M. (2019). On Global Ionospheric Maps based winter- time GPS ionospheric delay with reference to the Klobuchar model: Case study of the Northern Adriatic. Pomorstvo – Scientific journal of maritime research, 33 (2), pp. 210-221. doi:10.31217/p.33.2.11
Lorencin, I., Anđelić, N., Mrzljak, V., Car, Z. (2019). Exergy analysis of marine steam turbine labyrinth (gland) seals. Pomorstvo – Scientific journal of maritime research, 33 (1), pp. 76-83. doi:10.31217/p.33.1.8
Mrzljak, V., Poljak, I. (2019). Energy Analysis of Main Propulsion Steam Turbine from Conventional LNG Carrier at Three Different Loads. Naše more – Znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo, 66 (1), pp. 10-18. doi:10.17818/NM/2019/1.2
Kocijel, L., Mrzljak, V., Čohodar Husić, M., Čekić, A. (2019). Numerical Analysis of Fuel Injector Nozzle Geometry – Influence on Liquid Fuel Contraction Coefficient and Reynolds Number. Pomorski zbornik, 57 (1), pp. 23-45. doi:10.18048/2019.57.02
Mrzljak, V., Anđelić, N., Lorencin, I., Car, Z. (2019). Analysis of Gas Turbine Operation before and after Major Maintenance. Pomorski zbornik, 57 (1), pp. 57-70. doi:10.18048/2019.57.04
Mrzljak, V., Blecich, P., Anđelić, N., Lorencin, I. (2019). Energy and Exergy Analyses of Forced Draft Fan for Marine Steam Propulsion System during Load Change. Journal of marine science and engineering, 7 (11), 381, 26. doi:10.3390/jmse7110381
Mrzljak, V., Anđelić, N., Poljak, I., Orović, J. (2019). Thermodynamic analysis of marine steam power plant pressure reduction valves. Pomorski zbornik, 56 (1), pp. 9-30. doi:10.18048/2019.56.01
Conference papers
Mauro, F., Braidotti, L., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Extreme loads estimation using genetic algorithm approach. In: Proceedings of MARSTRUCT 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 3-11.
Valčić, M., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Derivative Free Optimal Thrust Allocation in Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Direct Search Algorithms. 13th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation – TransNav 2019, Gdynia, Poland.
Šakan, D., Žuškin, S., Valčić, M., Pavletić, D. (2019). Challenges of adaptive coastal voyage planning. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Baška GNSS Conference, Baška, Island of Krk, Croatia, pp. 87-106.
Mrzljak, V., Poljak, I., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Numerical analysis of turbo-generator steam turbine energy efficiency and energy power losses change during the variation in developed power. International Scientific Conference Machines. Technologies. Materials 2019 – Winter Session – Volume 1 – Proceeding, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 22-25.
Mrzljak, V., Poljak, I., Orović, J., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Influence of the ambient temperature change on steam pressure reduction valve exergy destruction and exergy efficiency. International Scientific Conference Machines. Technologies. Materials 2019 – Winter Session – Volume 1 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 26-29.
Mrzljak, V., Poljak, I., Orović, J., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Numerical analysis of real open cycle gas turbine. International Scientific Conference High Technologies. Business. Society 2019 – Volume 1 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 51-54.
Mrzljak, V., Poljak, I., Orović, J., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Thermodynamical analysis of heat exchange and fuel consumption in marine re-heat steam generator. International Scientific Conference High Technologies. Business. Society 2019 – Volume 1 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 55-58.
Mrzljak, V., Žarković, B., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Air cooling influence on the performance and characteristics of turbocharged direct injection gasoline engine. International Conference Technical Sciences. Industrial Management 2019 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 3-6.
Mrzljak, V., Orović, J., Poljak, I., Knežević, V. (2019). Exergy analysis of low-pressure condensate heating system from cogeneration power plant. VII International Scientific Conference – Engineering. Techologies. Education. Security. 2019 – Proceedings – Volume 1, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 12-15.
Mrzljak, V., Orović, J., Poljak, I., Kocijel, L. (2019). Exergy analysis of wet cooling tower at various loads and ambient temperatures. VII International Scientific Conference – Engineering. Techologies. Education. Security. 2019 – Proceedings – Volume 1, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 16-19.
Mrzljak, V., Žarković, B., Prpić-Oršić, J., Anđelić, N. (2019). Numerical analysis of in-cylinder pressure and temperature change for naturally aspirated and upgraded gasoline engine. XXVII International Scientific Conference trans & MOTAUTO ’19 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 95-98.
Mrzljak, V., Orović, J., Poljak, I., Lorencin, I. (2019). Exergy analysis of steam turbine governing valve from a super critical thermal power plant. XXVII International Scientific Conference trans & MOTAUTO ’19 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 99-102.
Mrzljak, V., Orović, J., Poljak, I., Čulin, J. (2019). Exergy analysis of two water pumps from steam power plant at four different loads. IV International Scientific Conference Industry 4.0 – Summer Session – 2019 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 65-68.
Mrzljak, V., Orović, J., Poljak, I., Čulin, J. (2019). The ambient temperature influence on deaerator exergy efficiency and exergy losses. IV International Scientific Conference Industry 4.0 – Summer Session – 2019 – Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 69-72.
Glazar, V., Mrzljak, V., Gubic, T. (2019). Thermodynamic analysis of combined cycle power plant. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Wicklow, Ireland.
Lerga, J., Saulig, N., Žuškin, M., Panjkota, A. (2019). Denoising Accuracy of Adaptive ICI-Based Estimators with Regards to Sampling Rate. 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), Split, Croatia, pp. 1-6.
Saulig, N., Lerga, J., Baracskai, Z., Daković, M. (2019). Adaptive Thresholding in Extracting Useful Information from Noisy Time-Frequency Distributions. 11th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 1-6.
Mrzljak, V., Car, Z., Kudláček, J., Anđelić, N., Lorencin, I., Blažević, S. (2019). Analysis of two methods for steam turbine developed power calculation in Industry 4.0. 10th International Technical Conference – Technological Forum 2019 – Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 103-110.
Orović, J., Mrzljak, V., Poljak, I. (2019). Analysıs of auxılıary exergy flow stream durıng the change ın marıne steam propulsıon system load. 1st International Conference of Maritime Science & Technology, Conference Proceedings – Naše more 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 470-480.
Marković, M., Doboviček, S., Pavletić, D., Runje, B. (2019). Concept of reconfigurable inspection system. 9th International Conference Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials, Split, Croatia, pp. 121-126.
Keynote Speeches and Plenary Sessions
Prpić-Oršić, J., Sasa, K., Valčić, M., Faltinsen, O.M. (2019). Uncertainties of Ship Speed Loss Estimation. The 4th International Symposium of Maritime Sciences – ISMS 2019, 7 February 2019, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. (Keynote speech by Prof. Jasna Prpić-Oršić).
Pavletić, D., Randić, M. (2019). Effect of Welding Parameters on Weld Quality for High-Strength Steel Used at Low Temperature (EH36). The 4th International Symposium of Maritime Sciences – ISMS 2019, 7 February 2019, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. (Keynote speech by Prof. Duško Pavletić).
Poster sessions
Lerga, J., Prpić-Oršić, J. (2019). Introduction to Time-Frequency Analysis of Signals in Ship Guidance, Navigation and Control. 13th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting (ACE-X 2019), Athens, Greece, pp. 21.
PhD and MSc theses
Bevandić, M. (2019). GNSS, INS and RTK positioning methods in maritime navigation. MSc thesis, Supervisors: Assist. Prof. Marko Valčić and Assist. Prof. David Brčić, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia.