
INVITATION TO TENDER FOR Engagement of a senior expert for quality assessment of activities and deliverables of ADRIATinn project, No. 1°str./0007/1, Rijeka, Croatia, Adriatic region

I am pleased to inform you that Your firm/the consortium led by you is invited to take part in the single tender procedure for the above contract. The complete tender dossiercan be downloaded from this LINK It includes:

A. Instructions to tenderers and contract notice

B. Draft Contract Agreement and Special Conditions with annexes:

I. General Conditions for service contracts

II. Terms of Reference

III. Organisation and Methodology (to be submitted by the tenderer using the template provided)

IV. Key experts (including templates for the summary list of key experts and their CVs)

V. Budget (to be submitted by the tenderer as the Financial offer using the template provided)

VI. Forms and other supporting documents

C. Other information:

I. List of entities invited to submit a tender

II. Administrative compliance grid

III. Evaluation grid

D. Tender submission form and declaration of honour on exclusion and selectioncriteria

For full details of the tendering procedures, please see the Practical Guide and its annexes, which may be downloaded from the following website:

“How to prepare a successful commercialization plan”

that was held by Petra Karanikić, Head of University of Rijeka Technology Transfer Office.

At this workshop, students/entrepreneurs were familiar with the way of placing their ideas to the market through the preparation and drafting the commercialization plan. Primarily, they were informed on how they can recognize the level of technological readiness of their innovation, which are the factors that encourage or inhibit the technological readiness. They were introduced which are the key steps in the commercialization process, how to evaluate the commercial potential of their innovation and based on all relevant information to create a successful commercialization plan for their innovation.

The workshop will be held on Friday, May 6th 2016 from 12:00 till 13:00 in Lecture room P3 on the Technical faculty in Rijeka.

Provision of expertise for conducting studies aimed at strengthening RDI capacities of SMEs within the scope of ADRIATinn project

We are pleased to inform you that your firm / the consortium led by you is invited to take part in the competitive negotiated procedure for the above contract. The complete tender dossier can be downloaded from this LINK. It includes:

  • A. Instructions to tenderers and contract notice
  • B. Draft Contract Agreement and Special Conditions with annexes:

I. General Conditions for service contracts
II. Terms of Reference
III. Organisation and Methodology (to be submitted by the tenderer using the template provided)
IV. Key experts (including templates for the summary list of key experts and their CVs)
V. Budget (to be submitted by the tenderer as the Financial offer using the template provided)
VI. Forms and other supporting documents

  • C. Other information:

I. List of entities invited to submit a tender
II. Administrative compliance grid
III. Evaluation grid

  • D. Tender submission form and declaration of honour on exclusion and selectioncriteria

For full details of the tendering procedures, please see the Practical Guide and its annexes, which may be downloaded from the following website:

We look forward to receiving your tender before the deadline set in point 8 of the Instructions to Tenderers. Please send it to the address and with the requirements given in point 8.

By submitting a tender you accept to receive notification of the outcome of the procedure byelectronic means. If you decide not to submit a tender, we would be grateful if you could inform us in writing, indicating the reasons for your decision.

Previously held

Presentation of the Rijeka StartUp incubator

We invite you to a presentation of a City of Rijeka project, the Rijeka StartUp incubator, which will take place at the Technical Faculty on Thursday, April 21st 2016 during these hours:

– 10:15 h lecture hall P3 (third floor)

– 13:15 h lecture room U1 (ground floor)

Startup users are young people, students and their teams who have the knowledge and ideas in the field of product-design, various scientific and technical fields, information technologies and computer applications.The startup incubator provides them with the use of space and infrastructure, professional assistance in the realization of their own ideas with the support from mentors and help in commercialization and access to potential funding sources. The service for the users in the pre-incubation period (6 months) is completely free. Young people who have a business idea and want to work on its implementation, have the opportunity to do it in the Startup incubator. For more information see the LINK: as well as the Facebook page.

Intellectual Property Rights Week (25th-29th April 2016)

The technology transfer office, University of Rijeka in collaborations with the Department of Trade, City of Rijeka on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Week, organizes the Intellectual Property Rights Week from the 25th to 29th April 2016.

In this week at various locations there will be a series of short lectures on encouraging the creation of innovation and the importance of protecting intellectual property.

You can download the full program from this LINK.

How to protect your idea, product or service?

April 29th 2016. lecture hall P3, 12 AM, Technical faculty,University of Rijeka.

At this workshop participants will learn how and in what way to evaluate their ideas, products or services, and identify at what stage of development they are. Participants will learn about the various forms of intellectual property rights and on the basis of these findings will be able to identify the appropriate form of protection for their idea, product or service, as well as with the processes of national and international protection of intellectual property rights.

  • We would like to invite you to the lecture – ” Creativity in a sense of fostering innovation”, which will be held on Thursday, 19.11.2015., starting at 10.00 AM in the lecture hall U3 on the Technical Faculty in Rijeka, by Petra Karanikić, Head of Technology Transfer Office at University of Rijeka.

    Creativity represents the main driver in the development of society, especially in terms of technological development. Different methods to stimulate and teach creativity give the possibility of starting new business ventures in the context of globalization and rapid technological progress. Innovation as a product of creativity represents one of the main conditions for success in global competition. Innovations aim at meeting the needs of consumers, not only current, but also the needs that will emerge. Innovation by itself is completely useless until there is no specific business plan or a commercialization plan that is, which focuses on intellectual property protection and innovation in all aspects of the marketing mix.

  • October 15th 2015 StartUp incubator Rijeka- Users of the StartUp incubator can be young people, students up to the age of 29 with knowledge and ideas in the field of product design, various scientific and technical areas, tourism, information technologies, computer applications and other business areas. By being selected into the StartIp incubator you are granted free usage of space and infrastructure for six months, expert assistance with the implementation of your own idea by the mentors, and help with commercialization as well as access to potential funding sources.More information on and the Facebook page.
  • March 26st 2015 DataFlowExaScaleSuperComputing: Revisiting the Paradigm and the Algorithms in our Co-lab that was held by prof. dr. sc. VeljkoMilutinović from University of Belgrade. Since the interest for visiting this lecture was more than we expected we had to move lecture in bigger lecture room than co-lab.
  • April 15th 2015 lecture that presented to students and potential entrepreneurs City of Rijeka Startup incubator as a place ideal for forming and further developing their business ideas
  • April 21st 2015 lecture with the topic “Innovative approach to the process management in a sense of models of excellence” (lecture by Petra Karanikić, Head of University of Rijeka Technology Transfer Office)
  • End of September 2015: “Creativity in a sense of fostering innovation” (lecture by Petra Karanikić, Head of University of Rijeka Technology Transfer Office).

Programme link:

This web site has been produced with the financial assistance of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of University of Rijeka – Faculty of Engineering and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Authorities.

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