Prof. Lado Kranjčević
Email: lado.kranjcevic@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651401, int. 2401
Telephone: +385 51 651554, int. 2554 (Office)
Location: 0-08

Prof. Zoran Jurković
Vice-Dean for business and coop. with the economy
Email: zoran.jurkovic@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651466, int. 2466 (Office)
Location: 3-24

Prof. Domagoj Lanc
Vice – Dean for science
Email: domagoj.lanc@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651495, int. 2495 (Office)
Location: 2-138

Prof. Jonatan Lerga
Vice – Dean for academic affairs
Email: jonatan.lerga@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651583, int. 2583 (Office)
Location: 1-51

Assoc. Prof. Sunčana Smokvina Hanza
Vice – Dean for projects and promotion
Email: suncana.smokvinahanza@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651475, int. 2475 (Office)
Location: 2-170

Tomo Vergić, Grad. Law.
Secretary general
Email: tomo.vergic@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651402, int. 2402 (Office)
Location: 0-09

Sanja Prpić, Grad. Economist
Email: sanja.prpic@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651403, int. 2403 (Office)
Location: 0-07

Željka Gulić, mag.oec.
Vice – Dean secretary
Email: zeljka.gulic@riteh.uniri.hr
Telephone: +385 51 651470, int. 2470 (Office)
Location: 0-16