
8. July 2024.

Laboratory for testing of materials

Head of laboratory assist. prof. Matej Fonović Purpose of the laboratory: In the laboratory, the characterization of materials is carried out by testing of the mechanical properties, microstructure, macrostructure and testing of the chemical composition in production and during operation,

8. July 2024.

Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Foreign Languages

Contact information Head Prof. Nelida Črnjarić Address Department of Mathematics, Physics and Foreign Languages Faculty of EngineeringZgrada tehničkog fakultetaVukovarska 5851000 Rijeka The Department of Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Languages and Kinesiology brings together experts working in scientific fields which are the

8. July 2024.

Physics Laboratory

The Physics Laboratory consists of experimental equipment suited for educational purposes and exercises the knowledge gained from physical courses held at the Faculty of Engineering. The experimental setups can be used for basic research in the fields of physics and

8. July 2024.

Department of Engineering Design

Contact information Head Assoc. Prof. Kristina Marković Address Department of Mechanical Engineering Design Faculty of EngineeringZgrada tehničkog fakultetaVukovarska 5851000 Rijeka The Department of mechanical engineering design was founded in 1960. as the Department of engineering design basics. The Department has

8. July 2024.

Laboratory for Welding Engineering and Quality Control

Head Prof. Duško Pavletić Email address Telephone +385 51 651463, int. 2463 (Office) Location 3-27 Researchers: Assistant Maja Marković Laboratory purpose/research: The laboratory supports the work of students in courses related to welding and joining materials. In the laboratory

8. July 2024.

Laboratory of Technical Measurements

Head postdoc. Maja Vlatković Email address Telephone +385 51 651472, int. 2472 (Office) Location 3-26 Researchers: Prof. Duško Pavletić postdoc. Maja Vlatković Laboratory purpose/research: Education of students and measurement exercises for scientific research activities. Demonstrations of measuring equipment and

8. July 2024.

Department of materials engineering

Contact information Head Assoc. Prof. Dario Iljkić Address Department of Materials Engineering Faculty of EngineeringZgrada tehničkog fakultetaVukovarska 5851000 Rijeka The primary research and scientific fields of interest at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering is the research of materials,

8. July 2024.

Laboratory for Materials Protection

Contact: assoc. prof. Sunčana Smokvina Hanza Purpose of the laboratory: Electrochemical corrosion testing and other tests of materials for the purpose of assessing the corrosion resistance of materials, for the purpose of teaching and scientific research. List of laboratory equipment:

8. July 2024.

Computer Integrated Manufactory Laboratory

Head Assoc. Prof. Samir Žic Email address Telephone +385 51 651553, int. 2553 (Office) Location 3-02 Researchers: Asiss. Prof. Sandro Doboviček Laboratory purpose/research: Laboratory equipment: Software: Engineering Software MTpro EMCO WIN NC SINUMERIK 810 / 840D Teaching:

8. July 2024.

Laboratory for Intelligent Machine Tools and Machining Systems

Head Assist. Prof. David Ištoković Email address Telephone +385 51 651467, int. 2467 Location 3-08 Researchers: Prof. Mladen Perinić Prof. Zoran Jurkovic Assist. Prof. Graciela Šterpin Valić, mag. ing. mech. Assist. Hana Vukotić, univ. mag. ing. mech. News from

8. July 2024.

Laboratory for Machining Processes

Head Prof. Goran Cukor Email address Telephone +385 51 651476, int. 2476 (Office) Location 3-23 Researchers: Prof. Zoran Jurković Assist. Prof. Graciela Šterpin Valić Laboratory purpose/research: Using the laboratory for teaching purposes by demonstrating machining processes on machine tools

8. July 2024.

Laboratory for Metal Forming and Machine Tools

Head Assist. Prof. Graciela Šterpin Valić Email address Telephone +385 51 651519, int. 2519 (Office) Location 3-26 Researchers: Prof. Goran Cukor Prof. Zoran Jurković Laboratory purpose/research: Using the laboratory for teaching and research purposes with possibility of performing practical


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