Rezultati znanstvenih istraživanja objavljuju se u međunarodnim časopisima visoke kategorije kako bi se osigurala njihova visoka kvaliteta, dokazala njihova opravdanost te omogućila prepoznatljivost istraživača i institucije u široj akademskoj zajednici.
Parametric analysis of system performance and cost of heating systems with heat pump and l atent thermal energy storage
Fran Torbarina, Kristian Lenić, Anica Trp, Mateo Kirinčić
Applied Thermal Engineering Abstract
A geometrically nonlinear finite element formulation for buckling analysis of shear deformable angle-ply composite beam-type structures
Damjan Banić, Goran Turkalj, Domagoj Lanc
Computers & Structures Abstract
A Koopman operator‑based prediction algorithm and its application to COVID‑19 pandemic and infuenza cases
Igor Mezić, Zlatko Drmač, Nelida Črnjarić, Senka Maćešić, Maria Fonoberova, Ryan Mohr, Allan M.Avila,Iva Manojlović, Aleksandr Andrejčuk
Scientific reports Abstract
Efficiently Solving the Curse of Feature-space Dimensionality for Improved Peptide Classification
Mario Negovetić, Erik Otović, Daniela Kalafatovic, Goran Mauša
Digital Discovery Abstract
A Novel Approach to Sensor Placement: Recursive Exhaustive Search and Stochastic Optimization Parameter Impact Analysis
Marina Banov, Domagoj Pinčić , Kristijan Lenac, Diego Sušanj
Applied sciences Abstract
Estimating Water Levels and Discharges in Tidal Rivers and Estuaries: Review of Machine Learning Approaches
Anna Maria Mihel, Jonatan Lerga, Nino Krvavica
Environmental Modelling & Software Abstract
Convolutional Neural Networks for Local Component Number Estimation from Time–Frequency Distributions of Multicomponent Nonstationary Signals
Vedran Jurdana, Sandi Baressi Šegota
Mathematics Abstract
Latent thermal energy storage performance enhancement through optimization of geometry parameters
Mateo Kirinčić, Anica Trp, Kristian Lenić, Josip Batista
Global existence theorem of a generalized solution for a one-dimensional thermal explosion model of a compressible micropolar real gas
Angela Bašic-Šiško, Ivan Dražić Abstract
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Large time existence and asymptotic stability of the generalized solution to flow and thermal explosion model of reactive real micropolar gas
Angela Bašic-Šiško
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences Abstract
Numerical study of heat transfer and fluid flow in the offset strip-fin heat exchanger: A fin-by-fin analysis
Paolo Blecich, Josip Batista , Mateo Kirinčić, Anica Trp, Kristian Lenić Abstract
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
F2M: Ensemble-based uncertainty estimation model for fire detection in indoor environments
Matej Arlović, Mitesh Patel, Josip Balen, Franko Hržić Abstract
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
On the application of symbolic regression in the energy sector: Estimation of combined cycle power plant electrical power output using genetic programming algorithm
Nikola Anđelić, Ivan Lorencin, Vedran Mrzljak, Zlatan Car
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Abstract
A comprehensive evaluation of conventional methods for estimation of fatigue parameters of steels from their monotonic properties
Robert Basan, Tea Marohnić
International Journal of Fatigue Abstract
Uniqueness of a Generalized Solution for a One-Dimensional Thermal Explosion Model of a Compressible Micropolar Real Gas
Angela Bašić-Šiško, Ivan Dražić
Computationally efficient optimisation of elbow-type draft tube using neural network surrogates
Ante Sikirica, Ivana Lučin, Marta Alvir, Lado Kranjčević, Zoran Čarija
Alexandria Engineering Journal Abstract
Impact of the refrigerant charge and environmental temperature on draft beverage cooler performance
Damir Mađerić, Branimir Pavković, Zoran Čarija , Boris Delač
Applied Thermal Engineering Abstract
Improvement of Machine Learning-Based Modelling of Container Ship’s Main Particulars with Synthetic Data
Darin Majnarić , Sandi Baressi Šegota, Nikola Anđelić, Jerolim Andrić
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract
Surface roughness of ti6al4v alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion
David Liović, Marina Franulović, Luka Ferlič, Nenad Gubeljak
Facta Universitatis-Series Mechanical Engineering Abstract
Use of Synthetic Data in Maritime Applications for the Problem of Steam Turbine Exergy Analysis
Sandi Baressi Šegota, Vedran Mrzljak, Nikola Andelić, Igor Poljak, Zlatan Car
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract
Control of soft robots with inertial dynamics
David A. Haggerty, Michael J. Banks, Ervin Kamenar, Alan B. Cao, Patric C. Curtis, Igor Mezić, Elliot W. Hawkes
Science Robotics Abstract
Numerical analysis of the influence of geometry parameters on charging and discharging performance of shell-and-tube latent thermal energy storage with longitudinal fins
Mateo Kirinčić, Anica Trp, Kristian Lenić, Fran Torbarina
Applied Thermal Engineering Abstract
Stochastic Multi-Objective Scheduling of a Hybrid System in a Distribution Network Using a Mathematical Optimization Algorithm Considering Generation and Demand Uncertainties
Ali Hadi Abdulwahid, Muna Al-Razgan, Hassan Falah Fakhruldeen, Meryelem Tania Churampi Arellano, Vedran Mrzljak, Saber Arabi Nowdeh, Mohammad Jafar Hadidian Moghaddam
Mathenmatics Abstract
Investigation on solid-liquid equilibrium for binary mixtures of carbon dioxide (R744) and alkanes: propane (R290) and isobutane (R600a)
Michał Sobieraj, Dariusz Ksionek, Branimir Pavković
International Journal of Refrigeration Abstract
Estimation of sea state parameters from ship motion responses using attention-based neural networks
Denis Selimović, Franko Hržić, Jasna Prpić-Oršić, Jonatan Lerga
Ocean Engineering Abstract
Determining the influence and correlation for parameters of flexible forming using the random forest method
Luka Sevšek, Sandi Baressi Šegota, Zlatan Car, Tomaž Pepelnjak
Applied Soft Computing Abstract
Nano-Mechanical Behavior of Ti6Al4V Alloy Manufactured Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion
David Liović, Marina Franulović, Ervin Kamenar, Dražan Kozak
Materials Abstract
Generating Representative Phrase Sets for Text Entry Experiments by GA-Based Text Corpora Sampling
Sandi Ljubic, Alen Salkanovic
Mathematics Abstract
The Impact of Slow Steaming on Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions of a Container Ship
Vladimir Pelić , Ozren Bukovac, Radoslav Radonja, Nastia Degiuli
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract
Quality Assessment Assistance of Lateral Knee X-rays: A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Approach
Simon Lysdahlgaard, Sandi Baressi Segota, Soren Hess, Ronald Antulov, Martin Weber Kusk, Zlatan Car
Mathematics Abstract
Reconstruction and analysis of negatively buoyant jets with interpretable machine learning
Marta Alvir, Luka Grbčić , Ante Sikirica, Lado Kranjčević
Marine Pollution Bulletin Abstract
Strategies for Green Shipbuilding Design and Production Practices Focused on Reduction Microplastic Pollution Generated during Installation of Plastic Pipes
Bože Lučin, Zoran Čarija, Marta Alvir, Ivana Lučin
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract
A new methodology for optimization of overcurrent protection relays in active distribution networks regarding thermal stress curves
Michele Rojnić, Rene Prenc, Danijel Topid, lvan Strnad
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Abstract
Bisection Method for the Heavy Fuel Oil Tank Filling Problem at a Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier
Vedran Mrzljak, Igor Poljak, Mate Kosor, Jelena Čulin
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract
Comparative Study of Potential Flow and CFD in the Assessment of Seakeeping and Added Resistance of Ships Mechanics
Ivan Sulovsky, Guillaume de Hauteclocque, Marilena Greco, Jasna Prpić-Oršić
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract
Estimation of hydraulic conductivity functions in karst regions by particle swarm optimization with application to Lake Vrana
Vanja Travaš , Luka Zaharija, Davor Stipanić, Siniša Družeta
Hydrology and Earth System Science Abstract
Experimental and LBM analysis of medium-Reynolds number fluid flow around NACA0012 airfoil
Andro Rak, Luka Grbčić, Ante Sikirica, Lado Kranjčević
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow Abstract
Experimental Assessment of Drag Coefficient for Quasi-Radially-Symmetric Microplastic Particles Sinking in Water Stream
Toni Holjević, Vanja Travaš, Siniša Družeta, Danko Holjević
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract
Incompressible rubber thermoelasticity: a neural network approach
Martin Zlatić, Marko Čanađija
Computational Mechanics Abstract
Multi-UAV trajectory planning for 3D visual inspection of complex ctructures
Stefan Ivić, Bojan Crnković, Luka Grbčić, Lea Matleković
Automation in Construction Abstract
Machine learning based surrogate models for microchannel heat sink optimization
Ante Sikirica, Luka Grbčić, Lado Kranjčević
Applied Thermal Engineering Abstract
Testing and analysis of uniaxial mechanical fatigue, Charpy impact fracture energy and microhardness of two low-carbon steels
Josip Brnić, Sebastian Baloš, Marino Brčić, Miroslav Dramičanin, Sanjin Kršćanski, Mladomir Milutinović, Biao Ding, Zeng Gao
Materials Abstract
A New Insight into Entropy Based on the Fuzzy Operators, Applied to Useful Information Extraction from Noisy Time-Frequency Distributions
Jozsef Dombi, Ana Vranković Lacković, Jonatan Lerga
Mathematics Abstract
Signal Useful Information Recovery by Overlapping Supports of Time-Frequency Representations
Nicoletta Saulig, Miloš Milovanović, Siniša Miličić, Jonatan Lerga
IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing Abstract
Predictive modeling of microbiological seawater quality in karst region using cascade model
Ivana Lučin, Siniša Družeta, Goran Mauša, Marta Alvir, Luka Grbčić, Darija Vukić Lušić, Ante Sikirica, Lado Kranjčević
Science of The Total Environment Abstract
Investigation of Efficient Optimization Approach to the Modernization of Francis Turbine Draft Tube Geometry
Ivana Lučin, Ante Sikirica, Marija Šiško Kuliš, Zoran Čarija
Mathematics Abstract
OpenFOAM-ROMS nested model for coastal flow and outfall assessment
Marta Alvir, Luka Grbčić, Ante Sikirica, Lado Kranjčević
Ocean Engineering Abstract
Local existence theorem for micropolar viscous real gas flow with homogeneous boundary conditions
Ivan Dražić, Angela Bašić-Šiško
Mathematical methods in applies sciences Abstract
Bimetallic Thin-Walled Box Beam Thermal Buckling Response
Sandra Kvaternik Simonetti , Goran Turkalj, Damjan Banić, Domagoj Lanc
Materials Abstract
Esterase Sequence Composition Patterns for the Identification of Catalytic Triad Microenvironment Motifs
Marko Babić, Patrizia Janković, Silvia Marchesan, Goran Mauša, Daniela Kalafatović
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Abstract
Stability analysis of shear deformable cross-ply laminated composite beam-type structures
Damjan Banić, Goran Turkalj, Domagoj Lanc
Composite Structures Abstract
Applying Regressive Machine Learning Techniques in Determination of COVID-19 Vaccinated Patients’ Influence on the Number of Confirmed and Deceased Patients
Sandi Baressi Šegota, Ivan Lorencin, Nikola Anđelić, Jelena Musulin, Daniel Štifanić, Matko Glučina, Saša Vlahinić, Zlatan Car
Mathematics Abstract
Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled closed section FG beam-type structures
Sandra Kvaternik Simonetti, Goran Turkalj, Domagoj Lanc
Thin-Walled Structures Abstract
Coastal water quality prediction based on machine learning with feature interpretation and spatio-temporal analysis
Luka Grbčić, Siniša Družeta, Goran Mauša, Tomislav Lipić, Darija Vukić Lušić, Marta Alvir, Ivana Lučin, Ante Sikirica, Davor Davidović, Vanja Travaš, Daniela Kalafatović, Kristina Pikelj, Hana Fajković, Toni Holjević, Lado Kranjčević
Environmental Modelling & Software Abstract
Fracture Recognition in Paediatric Wrist Radiographs: An Object Detection Approach
Franko Hržić, Sebastian Tschauner, Erich Sorantin, Ivan Štajduhar
Mathematics Abstract
Free Vibrations of Bernoulli-Euler Nanobeams with Point Mass Interacting with Heavy Fluid Using Nonlocal Elasticity
Raffaele Barretta, Marko Čanađija, Francesco Marotti de Sciarra, Ante Skoblar
Nanomaterials Abstract
Sequential Properties Representation Scheme for Recurrent Neural Network-Based Prediction of Therapeutic Peptides
Erik Otović, Marko Njirjak, Daniela Kalafatovic, Goran Mauša
Journal of chemical information and modeling Abstract
Experimental validation of progressive damage modeling in additively manufactured continuous fiber composites
Matej Gljušćić, Marina Franulović, Borut Žužek, Andrej Žerovnik
Composite Structures Abstract
Predicting stress–strain behavior of carbon nanotubes using neural networks
Valentina Košmerl, Ivan Štajduhar, Marko Čanađija
Neural Computing and Applications Abstract
Representative volume element for microscale analysis of additively manufactured composites
Matej Gljušćić, Marina Franulović, Domagoj Lanc, Andrej Žerovnik
Additive Manufacturing Abstract
Entropy-Based Concentration and Instantaneous Frequency of TFDs from Cohen’s, Affine, and Reassigned Classes
David Bačnar, Nicoletta Saulig, Irena Petrijevčanin Vuksanović, Jonatan Lerga
Sensors Abstract
Experimentally validated numerical modeling of heat transfer in crossflow air-to-water fin-and-tube heat exchanger
Josip Batista, Anica Trp, Kristian Lenic
Applied Thermal Engineering Abstract
Dynamics Modeling of Industrial Robotic Manipulators: A Machine Learning Approach Based on Synthetic Data
Sandi Baressi Šegota, Nikola Anđelić, Mario Šercer,Hrvoje Meštrić
Mathematics Abstract
Integrated optimization of the building envelope and the HVAC system in nZEB refurbishment
Boris Delač, Branimir Pavković, Kristian Lenić, Damir Mađerić
Applied Thermal Engineering Abstract
The Choice of Time–Frequency Representations of Non-Stationary Signals Affects Machine Learning Model Accuracy: A Case Study on Earthquake Detection from LEN-DB Data
Marko Njirjak, Erik Otović, Dario Jozinović, Jonatan Lerga, Goran Mauša, Alberto Michelini, Ivan Štajduhar
Mathematics Abstract
Computational Efficiency Assessment of Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Turbulent Jets in Crossflow
Ante Sikirica, Luka Grbčić, Marta Alvir, Lado Kranjčević
Mathematics Abstract
Complex Pearson Correlation Coefficient for EEG Connectivity Analysis
Zoran Šverko, Miroslav Vrankić, Saša Vlahinić, Peter Rogelj
Sensors Abstract
A Simplified Measurement Configuration for Evaluation of Relative Permittivity Using a Microstrip Ring Resonator with a Variational Method-Based Algorithm
Miroslav Joler, Alex Noel Joseph Raj, Juraj Bartolić
Sensors Abstract
Intra-domain and cross-domain transfer learning for time series data—How transferable are the features?
Erik Otović, Marko Njirjak, Dario Jozinović, Goran Mauša, Alberto Michelini, Ivan Stajduhar
Knowledge-Based Systems Abstract
One-dimensional model and numerical solution to the viscous and heat-conducting micropolar real gas flow with homogeneous boundary conditions
Angela Bašić-Šiško, Ivan Dražić, Loredana Simčić
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation Abstract
Local existence for viscous reactive micropolar real gas flow and thermal explosion with homogeneous boundary conditions
Angela Bašić-Šiško, Ivan Dražić
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Abstract
Modeling Uncertainty in Fracture Age Estimation from Pediatric Wrist Radiographs
Franko Hržić, Michael Janisch, Ivan Štajduhar, Jonatan Lerga, Erich Sorantin, Sebastian Tschauner
Mathematics Abstract
Epidemiological Predictive Modeling of COVID-19 Infection: Development, Testing, and Implementation on the Population of the Benelux Union
Tijana Šušteršič, Andjela Blagojević, Danijela Cvetković, Aleksandar Cvetković, Ivan Lorencin, Sandi Baressi Šegota, Dragan Milovanović, Dejan Baskić, Zlatan Car and Nenad Filipović
Frontiers in Public Health Abstract
Semantic Segmentation of Urinary Bladder Cancer Masses From CT Images: A Transfer Learning Approach
Sandi Baressi Šegota, Ivan Lorencin, Klara Smolić, Nikola Anđelić, Dean Markić, Vedran Mrzljak, Daniel Štifanić, Jelena Musulin, Josip Španjol, Zlatan Car
Biology Abstract
Cast suppression in radiographs by generative adversarial networks
Franko Hržić, Ivana Žužić, Sebastian Tschauner, Ivan Štajduhar
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Abstract
Experimental Characterization of Optimized Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Wearable Sensor Networks
Petar Gljušćić, Saša Zelenika
Sensors Abstract
Deep learning framework for carbon nanotubes: Mechanical properties and modeling strategies
Marko Čanađija
Carbon Abstract
Artificial intelligence approach towards assessment of condition of COVID-19 patients – Identification of predictive biomarkers associated with severity of clinical condition and disease progression
Anđela Blagojević, Tijana Šušteršič, Ivan Lorencin, Sandi Baressi Šegota, Nikola Anđelić, Dragan Milovanović, Danijela Baskić, Dejan Baskić, Nataša Zdravković Petrović, Predrag Sazdanović, Zlatan Car, Nenad Filipović
Computers in Biology and Medicine Abstract
Influence of natural convection during melting and solidification of paraffin in a longitudinally finned shell-and-tube latent thermal energy storage on the applicability of developed numerical models
Mateo Kirinčić, Anica Trp, Kristian Lenić
Renewable Energy Abstract
Numerical evaluation of the latent heat thermal energy storage performance enhancement by installing longitudinal fins
Mateo Kirinčić, Anica Trp, Kristian Lenić
Journal of Energy Storage Abstract
A Novel Genetic Scan-Matching-Based Registration Algorithm for Supporting Moving Objects Tracking Effectively and Efficiently
Kristijan Lenac, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Enzo Mumolo
IEEE Access Abstract
Experimental and numerical study on water ice forming on pipe columns in a limited-volume storage
Damir Mađerić, Zoran Čarija, Branimir Pavković, Boris Delač
Applied Thermal Engineering Abstract
Casting Microstructure Inspection Using Computer Vision: Dendrite Spacing in Aluminum Alloys
Filip Nikolić, Ivan Štajduhar, Marko Čanađija
Metals Abstract
Artificial Neural Networks-Based Prediction of Hardness of Low-Alloy Steels Using Specific Jominy Distance
Sunčana Smokvina Hanza, Tea Marohnić, Dario Iljkić, Robert Basan
Metals Abstract
Augmenting Around-Device Interaction by Geomagnetic Field Built-in Sensor Utilization
Sandi Ljubic, Franko Hržić, Alen Salkanovic, Ivan Štajduhar
Sensors Abstract
Application of Artificial Intelligence-Based Regression Methods in the Problem of COVID-19 Spread Prediction: A Systematic Review
Jelena Musulin, Sandi Baressi Šegota, Daniel Štifanić, Ivan Lorencin, Nikola Anđelić, Tijana Šušteršič, Anđela Blagojević, Nenad Filipović, Tomislav Ćabov, Elitza Markova-Car
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Abstract
Statistical analysis of waves’ effects on ship navigation using high-resolution numerical wave simulation and shipboard measurements
Chen Chen, Kenji Sasa, Jasna Prpić-Oršić, Takaaki Mizojiri
Ocean Engineering Abstract
An Enhanced Histopathology Analysis: An AI-Based System for Multiclass Grading of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Segmenting of Epithelial and Stromal Tissue
Jelena Musulin, Daniel Štifanić, Ana Zulijani, Tomislav Ćabov, Andrea Dekanić, Zlatan Car
Cancers Abstract
Rotating Bending Fatigue Analysis of Printed Specimens from Assorted Polymer Materials
Marino Brčić, Sanjin Kršćanski, Josip Brnić
Polymers Abstract
Data-Driven Leak Localization in Urban Water Distribution Networks Using Big Data for Random Forest Classifier
Ivana Lučin, Bože Lučin, Zoran Čarija, Ante Sikirica
Mathematics Abstract
XAOM: A method for automatic alignment and orientation of radiographs for computer-aided medical diagnosis
Franko Hržić, Sebastian Tschauner, Erich Sorantin, Ivan Štajduhar
Computers in Biology and Medicine Abstract
Back Up Protection Scheme for High Impedance Faults Detection in Transmission Systems Based on Synchrophasor Measurements
Saša Vlahinić, Dubravko Franković, Borna Juriša, Zoran Zbunjak
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Abstract
Rule-Based EEG Classifier Utilizing Local Entropy of Time–Frequency Distributions
Jonatan Lerga, Nicoletta Saulig, Ljubiša Stanković, Damir Seršić
Mathematics Abstract
On Urinary Bladder Cancer Diagnosis: Utilization of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks for Data Augmentation
Ivan Lorencin, Sandi Baressi Šegota, Nikola Anđelić, Vedran Mrzljak, Tomislav Ćabov, Josip Španjol, Zlatan Car
Biology Abstract
Artificial intelligence-based predictive model of nanoscale friction using experimental data
Marko Perčić, Saša Zelenika, Igor Mezić
Friction Abstract
Thermal performance analysis of fin-and-tube heat exchangers operating with airflow nonuniformity
Paolo Blecich, Anica Trp, Kristian Lenić
International Journal of Thermal Sciences Abstract
Gravitational-Wave Burst Signals Denoising Based on the Adaptive Modification of the Intersection of Confidence Intervals Rule
Nikola Lopac, Jonatan Lerga, Elena Cuoco
Sensors Abstract
Machine Learning and Simulation-Optimization Coupling for Water Distribution Network Contamination Source Detection
Luka Grbčić, Lado Kranjčević, Siniša Družeta
Sensors Abstract
Estimation of COVID-19 Epidemiology Curve of the United States Using Genetic Programming Algorithm
Nikola Anđelić, Sandi Baressi Šegota,Ivan Lorencin, Zdravko Jurilj, Tijana Šušteršič, Anđela Blagojević, Alen Protić, Tomislav Ćabov, Nenad Filipović, Zlatan Car
International journal of environmental research and public health Abstract
Prediction of Microstructure Constituents’ Hardness after the Isothermal Decomposition of Austenite
Sunčana Smokvina Hanza, Božo Smoljan, Lovro Štic, Krunoslav Hajdek
Metals Abstract
Machine-Learning Classification of a Number of Contaminant Sources in an Urban Water Network
Ivana Lučin, Luka Grbčić, Zoran Čarija, Lado Kranjčević
Sensors Abstract
Automatic Evaluation of the Lung Condition of COVID-19 Patients Using X-ray Images and Convolutional Neural Networks
Ivan Lorencin, Sandi Baressi Šegota, Nikola Anđelić, Anđela Blagojević, Tijana Šušteršić, Alen Protić, Miloš Arsenijević, Tomislav Ćabov, Nenad Filipović, Zlatan Car
Journal of Personalized Medicine Abstract
Motion Control for Autonomous Heterogeneous Multiagent Area Search in Uncertain Conditions
Stefan Ivić
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics Abstract
Search strategy in a complex and dynamic environment: the MH370 case
Stefan Ivić, Bojan Crnković, Hassan Arbabi, Sophie Loire, Patrick Clary, Igor Mezić
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 10 Abstract
Cavitation Model Calibration Using Machine Learning Assisted Workflow
Ante Sikirica, Zoran Čarija, Ivana Lučin, Luka Grbčić, Lado Kranjčević
MATHEMATICS Volume: 8 Abstract
Energy Harvesting Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring of Airplane Components—A Review
Saša Zelenika, Zdenek Hadas,Sebastian Bader, Thomas Becke, Petar Gljušćić, Jiri Hlinka, Ludek Janak, Ervin Kamenar, Filip Ksica, Theodora Kyratsi, Loucas Louca, Miroslav Mrlik, Adnan Osmanović, Vikram Pakrashi, Ondrej Rubes, Oldřich Ševeček, José P.B. Silva, Pavel Tofel, Bojan Trkulja, Runar Unnthorsson, Jasmin Velagić, Željko Vrcan
SENSORS Volume: 20 Abstract
Indoor Localization Based on Infrared Angle of Arrival Sensor Network
Damir Arbula, Sandi Ljubić
SENSORS Abstract
Nonlinear Control of a Bearingless Flux-Switching Slice Motor With Combined Winding System
Nikola Turk, Neven Bulić, Wolfgang Gruber
Deformation Behavior of C15E + C Steel under Different Uniaxial Stress Tests
Josip Brnić, Marino Brčić, Sanjin Kršćanski, Jitai Niu, Sijie Chen, Zeng Gao
METALS Abstract
Global solution to a one-dimensional model of viscous and heat-conducting micropolar real gas flow
Angela Bašić-Šiško, Ivan Dražić
Effective area coverage of 2D and 3D environments with directional and isotropic sensors
Diego Sušanj, Domagoj Pinčić, Kristijan Lenac
Comparative study on WRF model simulations from the viewpoint of optimum ship routing
Chen Chen, Kenji Sasa, Teruo Ohsawa, Jasna Prpić-Oršić
Coupling voyage and weather data to estimate speed loss of container ships in realistic conditions
Natalija Vitali, Jasna Prpić-Oršić, C.Guedes Soares
Determination of a DP operability index for an offshore vessel in early design stage
Francesco Mauro, Jasna Prpić-Oršić
Benchmark study and uncertainty assessment of numerical predictions of global wave loads on damaged ships
Joško Parunov, Maro Ćorak, C.Guedes Soares, H.Jafaryeganeh, Seppo Kalske, Yongwon Lee, Shukui Liu, Apostolos Papanikolaou, David Prentice, Jasna Prpić-Oršić, Pekka Ruponen, Natalija Vitali
Numerical analysis of geometrical and process parameters influence on temperature stratification in a large volumetric heat storage tank
Kocijel, Lino; Mrzljak, Vedran; Glažar, Vladimir
ENERGY Abstract
Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth in Metallic Specimens under Constant Amplitude Loading Using Virtual Crack Closure and Forman Model
Kršćanski, Sanjin; Brnić, Josip
METALS Abstract
Low cycle fatigue life prediction of the demining tiller tool
Cazin, Damir; Braut, Sanjin; Božić, Željko; Žigulić, Roberto
On thermomechanics of multilayered beams
Barretta, Raffaele; Čanađija, Marko; Marotti de Sciarra, Francesco
Characterisation of Polyamide (PA)12 Nanocomposites with Montmorillonite (MMT) Filler Clay Used for the Incremental Forming of Sheets
Borić, Andrej; Kalendová, Alena; Urbanek, Michal; Pepelnjak, Tomaž
Deep Learning for Feature Extraction in Remote Sensing: A Case-Study of Aerial Scene Classification
Petrovska, Biserka; Zdravevski, Eftim; Lameski, Petre; Corizzo, Roberto; Štajduhar, Ivan; Lerga, Jonatan
SENSORS Abstract
Comparison of Entropy and Dictionary Based Text Compression in English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Finnish, and Croatian
Ignatoski, Matea; Lerga, Jonatan; Stanković, Ljubiša; Daković, Miloš
CFD study of the PTS experiment in ROCOM test facility
Čarija, Zoran; Ledić, Fran; Sikirica, Ante; Ničeno, Bojan
Optimization of air-water microchannel heat exchanger using response surface methodology
Glažar, Vladimir; Trp, Anica; Lenić, Kristian
A Machine Learning-based Algorithm for Water Network Contamination Source Localization
Grbčić, Luka; Lučin, Ivana; Kranjčević, Lado; Družeta, Siniša
SENSORS Volume: 20 Issue: 9 Pages: 2613 Abstract
Uniaxial fatigue, creep and stress-strain responses of steel 30CrNiMo8
Brnic, Josip; Brcic, Marino; Krscanski, Sanjin; Lanc, Domagoj; Chen, Sijie
STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES Volume: 31 Issue: 4 Pages: 409-417 Abstract
Comparison of classical and refined beam models applied on isotropic and FG thin-walled beams in nonlinear buckling response
By: Kvaternik, Sandra; Filippi, Matteo; Lanc, Domagoj; Turkalj, Goran; Carrera, Erasmo
Kinetic Energy Harvesting for Wearable Medical Sensors
By: Gljuscic, Petar; Zelenika, Sasa; Blazevic, David; Kamenar, Ervin
SENSORS Volume: 19 Issue: 22 Abstract
Using multi-layer perceptron with Laplacian edge detector for bladder cancer diagnosis
By: Lorencin, Ivan; Andelic, Nikola; Spanjol, Josip; Car, Zlatan