Supramolecular and Colloid Chemistry and Physics for the Life Sciences

Online summer school and workshop 27. – 29. July 2020 Applications: 6.7. - 20.7. []( Registration open: 20.7.2020.


Scope: Covering materials at the fundamental level and presenting some advanced applications of colloids and the related measurement techniques, SCCPLS 2020 brings a set of lectures with problem sessions divided into several themes:

Biopolymers and biointerfaces

Nanoparticles in suspensions

Biomedical and pharmaceutical applications

New perspectives in colloid science

Who can apply?
Students from masters and PhD programs of chemistry, chemical engineering, medicinal chemistry, physics, biophysics, biology and biotechnology, pharmacy, environmental sciences…

In the case of a larger number of applicants than seats, a selection procedure will be applied with an announcement of successful applicants on 20.7.

Fees: Free of charge for a limited number of participants (60)

Number of lectures: 12

Number of discussion sessions: 3

Number of problem sessions: 3

Awards: The best five students will receive awards


Wuge Briscoe, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol

Andreas Fery, Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. Institute for Physical Chemistry and Polymer Physics and Technical University Dresden

Gregor Trefalt, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva

Regine Von Klitzing, Division of Soft Matter at Interfaces, Department of Physics, TU Darmstadt

István Szilágyi, Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged

Katsiaryna Skorb, Infochemistry Scientific Center of ITMO University, St. Petersburg

Marité Cardenas, Biomedical Science, Malmö University

Simeon Stoyanov, Wageningen University and Unilever PLC

Matjaž Finšgar, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor

Francesca Ravera, CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – ICMATE – Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies, Genoa

Rupert Kargl, Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Biobased Systems, TU Graz

Duško Čakara, Department of biotechnology and Center for micro- and nanosciences, University of Rijeka

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