Tehnički fakultet dio je partnerskog konzorcija u novom ERASMUS+ projektu TRAINEE: Advanced MR Training for Human-Centric Production Empowering Engineering Talent.
Cilj ovog projekta je modernizirati visoko obrazovanje korištenjem tehnologije Mixed Reality (MR), kroz napredna iskustva učenja, promicanje udaljenog pristupa obrazovanju, smanjenje utjecaja na okoliš i troškove infrastrukture te usklađivanje s ciljevima Europske Unije u kontekstu održivosti i digitalnih inovacija.
Radi se o trogodišnjem projektu iz programske linije KA220-HED koji uključuje partnerske institucije iz Švedske (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Rumunjske (CAMIS – POLITEHNICA Bucharest), Italije (Free University of Bolzano) i Hrvatske (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering), s glavnim koordinatorom iz Malte (University of Malta).
Kick-off sastanak održan je na Malti od 23. do 24. siječnja 2025., a nazočili su mu prof. Sandi Ljubić kao voditelj na instituciji i viši asistent Luka Batistić.
The Faculty of Engineering is part of the partner consortium in the new ERASMUS+ project TRAINEE: Advanced MR Training for Human-Centric Production Empowering Engineering Talent.
The aim of this project is to modernize higher education through the use of Mixed Reality (MR) technology for advanced learning experiences, promote remote access to education, reduce environmental impact and infrastructure costs, and align with EU sustainability and digital innovation goals.
It is a three-year project from the KA220-HED program line, involving partner institutions from Sweden (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Romania (CAMIS – POLITEHNICA Bucharest), Italy (Free University of Bolzano) and Croatia (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering), with the main coordinator coming from Malta (University of Malta).
The kick-off meeting took place on January 23 and 24, 2025 in Malta and was attended by Prof. Sandi Ljubić as project leader at the institution and postdoc assistant Luka Batistić.