Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci sudjeluje kao partner u novom ERASMUS+ projektu, “SmAIle – Scenarios and MOOCs for AI Literacy in Education”.
Cilj projekta je pripremiti učenike za budućnost poticanjem AI pismenosti u osnovnim i srednjim školama, istovremeno osnažujući nastavnike znanjem i alatima za odgovornu i učinkovitu primjenu umjetne inteligencije (AI) u učionici.
Riječ je o dvogodišnjem Erasmus KA220 projektu u kojem sudjeluju škole iz Hrvatske, Francuske, Irske, Portugala i Španjolske, s glavnim koordinatorom OŠ Pantovčak iz Zagreba. Prvi koordinacijski sastanak održan je u Dublinu od 11. do 13. listopada 2024., na kojem je sudjelovao profesor Kristijan Lenac kao voditelj projekta na Tehničkom fakultetu.
Jedna od prvih aktivnosti bit će organizacija LTTA (aktivnosti učenja, poučavanja i osposobljavanja), na kojoj će Tehnički fakultet pružiti podršku i organizirati tečajeve i radionice za nastavnike i učenike o osnovama umjetne inteligencije.
“SmAIle” Project Brings AI Education to Schools
Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka is proud to announce its partnership in the new ERASMUS+ project, SmAIle – Scenarios and MOOCs for AI Literacy in Education. Recognizing the rapid pace of technological advancements, the project aims to prepare students for the future by fostering AI literacy in elementary and high schools, while also empowering teachers with the knowledge and tools to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) responsibly and effectively in the classroom.
This is a two-year Erasmus KA220 project that includes participation from schools in Croatia, France, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain, with the main coordinator being Pantovčak Elementary School in Zagreb. The first coordination meeting was held in Dublin from October 11 to October 13, 2024, with Professor Kristijan Lenac attending as the project lead from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka.
One of the first activities will be organizing an LTTA (Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity), where the Faculty of Engineering will provide support and conduct courses and workshops for teachers and students on the basics of AI.