Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci partner je u novom ERASMUS+ projektu “SmAIle – Scenarios and MOOCs for AI Literacy in Education”.
Cilj projekta je pripremiti učenike za budućnost poticanjem AI pismenosti u osnovnim i srednjim školama, istovremeno osnažujući nastavnike znanjem i alatima za odgovornu i učinkovitu primjenu umjetne inteligencije (AI) u nastavi.
Riječ je o dvogodišnjem Erasmus KA220 projektu u kojem sudjeluju škole iz Hrvatske, Francuske, Irske, Portugala i Španjolske, s glavnim koordinatorom OŠ Pantovčak iz Zagreba.
U sklopu projekta, u Zagrebu i Bedekovčini, od 3. do 7. veljače održane su razne aktivnosti učenja, poučavanja i osposobljavanja učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola te njihovih nastavnika.
Tehnički fakultet doprinio je programu predavanjima i radionicama:
– From Robots to ChatGPT: The Cool History of AI
– Why the World Needs AI
– How AI Learns to Be Smart
– Spot the AI Impostor

Predavanja i radionice pripremili su i održali prof. Kristijan Lenac, voditelj projekta na instituciji, i asistentica Marina Banov.

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rijeka is a partner in the new ERASMUS+ project “SmAIle – Scenarios and MOOCs for AI Literacy in Education.”
The goal of the project is to prepare students for the future by promoting AI literacy in primary and secondary schools, while simultaneously empowering teachers with the knowledge and tools for the responsible and effective application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom.
This is a two-year Erasmus KA220 project involving schools from Croatia, France, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain, with the primary coordinator being the Pantovčak Primary School in Zagreb.
As part of the project, various learning, teaching, and training activities for primary and secondary school students and their teachers were held in Zagreb and Bedekovčina from February 3 to 7.
The Faculty of Engineering contributed to the program with lectures and workshops:
– From Robots to ChatGPT: The Cool History of AI
– Why the World Needs AI
– How AI Learns to Be Smart
– Spot the AI Impostor
The lectures and workshops were prepared and delivered by Prof. Kristijan Lenac, project leader at the institution, and Assistant Marina Banov.