
Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

1. kolovoza 2024.

Call for Participation in the Pilot course Transversal Skills in Applied Artificial Intelligence (TSAAI)
As a part of the project Transversal Skills in Applied Artificial Intelligence (TSAAI), Erasmus+ 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000030125 (2022-2025), a pilot course is organised for the interested students.

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

31. siječnja 2021.

SSIP preparations in progress
The 29th Summer School on Image Processing will be held in July 2021 at the Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka, Croatia. The preparations are underway. More information is available on the [SSIP website](http://ssip2021.riteh.hr).

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

28. studenoga 2019.

Machine Learning for Medical Imaging
Ivan Štajduhar je održao predavanje naslova Machine Learning for Medical Imaging na University of Szeged Institute of Informatics, Mađarska, na kojem je predstavio recentnu aktivnost istraživačke skupine.

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

9. studenoga 2019.

Riječki znanstveni mostovi
Znanstvenici Tehničkog fakulteta sudjelovali su u međunarodnom interdisciplinarnom znanstvenom simpoziju naziva "Prirodna i umjetna inteligencija: suživot, suradnja, sukobi". Predavanjem naslova "Praznoglavi genijalac" izloženi su praktični aspekti umjetne inteligencije, njen potencijal i ograničenja.

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju...

6. rujna 2019.

2nd Conference on Machine Learning for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Control Systems and 3rd g2net MC Meeting
U Rijeci 11. i 12. rujna 2019., na Tehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, s početkom u 09:00 sati održat će se konferencija “2nd Conference on Machine Learning for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Control Systems”.

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju...

3. rujna 2019.

Gostujuća predavanja
Pozivamo vas na dva predavanja na temu probabilističkih grafičkih modela koje će prezentirati dr. sc. Velimir Ilić. Predavanja će se održati u četvrtak 5.9. i u petak 6.9. od 10:00 u U9.

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

10. srpnja 2019.

Lecture at the Summer School on Image Processing (SSIP) 2019
I. Štajduhar gave a lecture titled “Everything you never wanted to know about machine learning, but were forced to find out” at the 2019 Summer School on Image Processing (SSIP) in Timisoara, Romania. https://www.info.uvt.ro/ssip2019/

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju...

3. lipnja 2019.

Predavanje “Trustworthy AI in Europe”
U četvrtak 13.6. u 12:00 u predavaonici P1 održat će se predavanje na temu smjernica Europske komisije vezanih uz etička pitanja u umjetnoj inteligenciji. Gost predavač je Tomislav Miletić.

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

10. svibnja 2019.

Presentation at the “HPC in Scientific Research” workshop
A joint scientific workshop was held at the University of Rijeka in cooperation with the University of Trieste, covering the areas of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, astrophysics, computational fluid dynamics, hydroacoustics, and molecular dynamics, focused on the use of supercomputing.

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

11. travnja 2019.

Invited talk at the “Computer Models in Personalised Medicine” symposium
I. Štajduhar gave a talk titled "Towards data-driven approaches for medical image analysis" at the symposium organised by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (HAZU).

Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju

7. prosinca 2018.

Invited talk at the Jožef Stefan Institute
I. Štajduhar gave a talk titled "Towards data-driven approaches for medical image analysis" at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, organised by the Slovenian Biophysical Society and the IJS Laboratory for Biophysics.


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