Research and Projects

There are large number of researchers at the Faculty of Engineering, whose research activities are mostly focused on four scientific fields: mechanical engineering, naval architecture, electrical engineering and computer science. They also cover fundamental and interdisciplinary technical sciences. This structure enables the interdisciplinarity of the research and enables the achievement of significant results by interconnecting, as well as connecting with the wider academic community.

There are large number of researchers at the Faculty of Engineering, whose research activities are mostly focused on four scientific fields: mechanical engineering, naval architecture, electrical engineering and computer science. They also cover fundamental and interdisciplinary technical sciences. This structure enables the interdisciplinarity of the research and enables the achievement of significant results by interconnecting, as well as connecting with the wider academic community.

Active projects

TitlePrincipal investigator
Nonlocal mechanical models of nanobeamsMarko Čanađija
Machine Learning for Knowledge Transfer in Medical RadiologyIvan Štajduhar
Development of machine learning-based models for materials behavior estimationRobert Basan
Autonomous UAV system for oceanic search and rescueStefan Ivić
Optical diagnostics of dermal infectionsIvan Štajduhar
Reliability and uncertainty of ship decision support system for greener navigationJasna Prpić-Oršić
Finite element models for stability analysis of thin-walled composite beam-type structuresGoran Turkalj
Title of the projectProject participantsProject type
Blue Economy sYnergies fOr sustaiNable Development – BEYONDProject applicant – IRENA – Istrian Regional Energy Agency Ltd.

RITEH collaborators:
Stefan Ivić – coordinator
Ivana Lučin
Marta Alvir
Jerko Škifić
Siniša Družeta
Matej Mališa
Zvonimir Mrle
Martina Ivić
Interreg Italy – Croatia 2021-2027
YUFE transforming research and innovation through Europe-wide knowledge transfer – YUFERINGProject applicant – University of Ciprus, Ciprus

RITEH collaborators:
Saša Zelenika
Ivan Štajduhar
EU H2020
Strengthening the capacity for excellence of Slovenian and Croatian innovation ecosystems to support the digital and green transitions of maritime regions – INNO2MAREProject applicant – University of Ljubljanja

RITEH collaborators:
Jonatan Lerga – coordinator
Duško Pavletić
Roko Dejhalla
Jasna Prpić-Oršić
Tomislav Mrakovčić
Anton Turk
Franko Hržić
Ivan Sulovsky
Lucija Žužić
Deni Klen
Horizon Europe
North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley – NAHVProject applicant – Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o.

RITEH collaborators:
Lado Kranjčević – coordinator
Jonatan Lerga
Ivana Lučin
Luka Grbčić
Franko Hržić
Horizon Europe
National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2 – EuroCC 2Project applicant – University of Stuttgart, High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Njemačka

RITEH collaborators:
Lado Kranjčević – coordinator
Goran Mauša
Luka Grbčić
Marta Alvir
Andro Rak
Digital Europe
Artificial Intelligence for Smart Healthcare and Medicine – AI4Health.CroProject applicant – Ruđer Bošković Institute

RITEH collaborators:
Lado Kranjčević – coordinator
Digital Europe
Development of personalized tests for biological brain age and early detection of dementia – BrainClockProject applicant – University of Zagreb School of Medicine

RITEH collaborators:
Zlatan Car – coordinator
Nikola Anđelić
Jelena Štifanić
Sandi Baressi Šegota
Daniel Štifanić
National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Targeted scientific research
A new generation of multi-core digital control systems for low and medium voltage electronic power convertersProject applicant – Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka
Project manager – Neven Bulić

RITEH collaborators:
Marino Brčić
Nikola Turk
Dominik Cikač
Nardi Verbanac
Matija Varga
National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Technology transfer support
SMART-HOTEL 360Project applicant – ADRIA-ELECTRONIC industrijska elektronika d.o.o.

RITEH collaborators:
Ivan Štajduhar – coordinator
Igor Wolf
Sandi Ljubić
Alen Salkanović
Franko Hržić
Integrated territorial programme 2021-2027
Strengthening strategic partnerships for innovation in the process of industrial transition
SPIN HEYGUEST ISLANDProject applicant – INTIS d.o.o.

RITEH collaborators:
Neven Bulić – coordinator
Marino Brčić
Nikola Turk
Dominik Cikač
Nardi Verbanac
Matija Varga
Patricija Vukić
Integrated territorial programme 2021-2027
Strengthening strategic partnerships for innovation in the process of industrial transition
Scenarios and MOOCs for AI Literacy in Education – SmAIleProject applicant – Elementary school Pantovčak, Zagreb

RITEH collaborators:
Kristijan Lenac – coordinator
Marina Banov
ERASMUS+ (KA220-SCH Cooperation partnerships in school education)
Advanced MR Training foR HumAn-Centric ProductIon EmpoweriNg Engineering TalEnt – TRAINEEProject applicant – University of Malta, Malta

RITEH collaborators:
Sandi Ljubić – coordinator
Ivan Štajduhar
Goran Mauša
Luka Batistić
Alen Salkanović
Franko Hržić
ERASMUS+ (KA220-HED Cooperation partnerships in higher education)
Teaching Artificial Intelligence – TAIProject applicant – University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

RITEH collaborators:
Sandi Ljubić – coordinator
Ivan Štajduhar
Goran Mauša
Luka Batistić
Alen Salkanović
Franko Hržić
ERASMUS+ (KA220-HED Cooperation partnerships in higher education)
Introduction of joint short-cycle ICT courses for better employability of students and graduates – WICTProject applicant – Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka
Project manager – Zlatan Car
ERASMUS+ (KA220-HED  Cooperation partnerships in higher education)
Blended Learning Implementation for reSilient, acceSsible and efficient higher education – BLISSProject applicant – KTH – Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Sweden
Project manager –
Antonio Maffei

RITEH collaborators:
Sandi Ljubić – coordinator
Ivan Štajduhar
Arian Skoki
Franko Hržić
Alen Salkanović
ERASMUS+ (KA220-HED  Cooperation partnership in higher education)
Transversal Skills in Applied Artificial Intelligence – TSAAIProject applicant – University of Malaga, Spain
Project manager – Francisco L. Valverde

RITEH collaborators:
Ivan Štajduhar – coordinator
Sandi Ljubić
Franko Hržić
Arian Skoki
ERASMUS+ (2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000030125) 2022 – 2025
Girls go STEMProject applicant – University of Zagreb

RITEH collaborators:
Ivan Dražić – coordinator
Angela Bašić Šiško
Vanja Čotić Poturić
ERASMUS+ (KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Strategic partnerships for higher education)
Exchange of renewable energy harvesting experience in Europe for improving competence of young engineers – EVERYONEProject applicant – Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka
Principal investigator – Zoran Čarija

RITEH collaborators:
Lado Kranjčević
Siniša Družeta
Stefan Ivić
Ivana Lučin
Marta Alvir
Andro Rak
ERASMUS+ (KA220-HED  Cooperation partnerships in higher education)
New energy competence system and technology for WB energy stability system curriculum reform – NEST4WBProject applicant – Kosovo and Metohija Academy of Applied Studies Leposavić, Kosovo 
Project manager – Bojan Prlinčević

RITEH collaborators:
Rene Prenc – coordinator
Saša Vlahinić
Michele Rojnić
Ivan Markovinović
Alen Jakoplić
ERASMUS+ (CBHE – Capacity Building in higher education)
An artificial intelligent platform to support students by assessing their performance skills through predictive models created from their writing skills – AISEProject applicant – Diefthinsi Defterovathmias Ekpedefsis Nomou Prevezas, Grčka

RITEH collaborators:
Zlatan Car – coordinator
Nikola Anđelić
Jelena Štifanić
Sandi Baressi Šegota
Daniel Štifanić
ERASMUS+ (KA220-SCH  Cooperation partnerships in school education)
Optimising Design for Inspection – ODINProject applicant – Cardiff University, School of Engineering, Cardiff, UK
Project manager – Rhys Pullin

RITEH collaborators:
Saša Zelenika
COST Action 2019 – 2023
Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society – CERCIRASProject applicant – University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Serbia
Project manager – Gordana Rakić

RITEH collaborators:
Goran Mauša
COST Action 2020 – 2024
European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors – SensorFINTProject applicant – University of Cordoba, Spain
Project manager – Dolores Perez-Marin

RITEH collaborators:
Ivan Štajduhar
COST Action 2020 – 2024
Advanced Composites under HIgh STRAin raTEs loading: a route to certification-by-analysis – HISTRATEProject applicant – Ghent University, Belgium
Project manager – Patricia Verleysen

RITEH collaborators:
Zlatan Car
COST Action 2022 – 2026
Pan-European Network for Sustainable Hydropower – PEN@HydropowerProject applicant – TU Wien, Austria
Project manager – Eduard Doujak

RITEH collaborators:
Zoran Čarija
COST Action 2022 – 2026
Network for implementing multiomics approaches in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease prevention and research – AtheroNETProject applicant – Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Project manager – Paolo Magni

RITEH collaborators:
Ivan Štajduhar
COST Action 2022 – 2026
European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale – MecaNanoProject applicant – University of Kassel, Germany
Project manager – Benoit Merle

RITEH collaborators:
Saša Zelenika
COST Action 2022 – 2026
Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network – ROAR-NETProject applicant – University of Coimbra, Portugal
Project manager – Carlos Fonseca

RITEH collaborators:
Rene Prenc
Michele Rojnić
COST Action 2023 – 2027
Fatigue Benchmark Repository – FABERProject applicant – Czech Technical University in Prague
Project manager – Jan Papuga

RITEH collaborators:
Robert Basan
COST Action 2024 – 2028
Decarbonising Waterborne Transportation – DeWaTraProject applicant – Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisabon, Portugal
Project manager – Carlos Guedes Soares
RITEH collaborators:
Jasna Prpić-Oršić
Ivan Sulovsky
Marijana Balas
COST Action 2024 – 2028

UNIRI projects 2023

TitlePrincipal investigator
Building a multimodal foundation model for medical radiologyIvan Štajduhar
Rehabilitation devices based on soft robotics and bio-mechatronic sensorsErvin Kamenar
Machine learning and alternative procedures in nanomechanicsMarko Čanađija
Advanced Data Analysis Using Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning TechniquesJonatan Lerga
Green route Optimisation for  Ship Safety Improvement and Pollution reduction (GOSSIP)Jasna Prpić Oršić
Autonomous honeybee colony monitoring system powered by hive waste heatSaša Zelenika
Hydrogen Production Plant Environmental Analysis Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial IntelligenceLado Kranjčević
Sensor-fusion-based analysis of biometric features of touchscreen handwriting and signaturesSandi Ljubić
Improvement of assessment methodology for modern optimization algorithms and their open development in Python programming languageSiniša Družeta
Digitization and modernization of the hydropower harvesting to rationalize use and reduce the negative environmental impactZoran Čarija
Mathematical modeling of micropolar fluid and numerical spectral analysis using data-driven algorithmsNelida Črnjarić
Simulations of nonlinear responses of FG beams in variable exploatation regimesDomagoj Lanc
Investigation of mechanical properties of polymer composite structuresMarino Brčić
Implementation of the energy transition by improving the renewable energy systems with latent heat storageAnica Trp
Improved beam finite element models for geometrically non-linear analysis of thin-walled beam-type structureGoran Turkalj
Deep Learning – based Prediction of Therapeutic PeptidesGoran Mauša
Fluid-structure interaction in the analysis of marine composite sandwich structures with advanced materials applicationAlbert Zamarin
Sustainable Design of Lightweight Structural ElementsMarina Franulović
Research on application of biomedical signals in asistive technologySaša Vlahinić
Development of advanced methods for optimising the infill geometry of complex productsMladen Perinić
Investigating the potential for the renewal of district heating systems using dynamic simulationsBoris Delač
Modeling and fault diagnosis of rotary machines based on machine learningSanjin Braut
Redesign of Compliant Mechanisms for Monolithic StructuresKristina Marković
The influence of the application of the integrated MQL/VC system for cooling, flushing and lubrication on the sustainability of the machining of austenitic stainless steelsGoran Cukor
A model for assessing the digital maturity of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs)Duško Pavletić
Advanced control structures for electric drivesNeven Bulić
Sparsity based image enhancement and reconstruction via adaptive thresholdingIvan Volarić
Development of new hybrid algorithms for the optimization of the production goalsZoran Jurković
Verifiable and distributed data base for Web3 applicationsKristijan Lenac
Electromagnetic and electronic models and circuits for short-range and midrange applicationsMiroslav Joler
Investigation of the influence of chemical composition on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of low-alloy steels after heat treatmentSunčana Smokvina Hanza
Estimation of mechanical behavior of structural components using an integrated approach of the finite element method and artificial neural networksTea Marohnić
Conceptual development of Learning Factory in University of RijekaSandro Doboviček
Development and application of advanced algorithms for image scalingJerko Škifić
Ship design and production integration based on digital twin concept Marko Hadjina
Development and Design of Soft Pneumatic Actuators for Multi-Axis Motion SystemsGoran Gregov
Sustainable design of complex planetary gear transmissionsSanjin Troha


TitlePrincipal investigator
Development of deep learning-based feature fusion techniques for image retrieval of similar fractures on wrist X-raysFranko Hržić
Microplastics in shipbuilding: analysis of negative impacts on the environment and human health with the innovative methods for its reductionIvana Lučin
Beam model for thermal buckling analysis of composite beam structuresSandra Kvaternik Simonetti
Analysis of the influence of the shear deformations on the stability of thin-walled frame structuresDamjan Banić
Classification of Motor Imagery Signals Presented as Images of Time-Frequency RepresentationsLuka Batistić
Tribological multiscale characterization via an interdisciplinary approachMarko Perčić
Investigation of hybrid SMA mechanismsMatej Gljušćić
A three-dimensional spherically symmetric flow model of a micropolar real gas              Angela Bašić-Šiško
Theoretical investigations of advanced nitride-based ceramic materialsMatej Fonović
Sustainable machining: Influence of the parameters of minimum quantity lubrication technique in combination with vortex tube cooling on surface roughness, tool wear and corrosion resistance in turning of austenitic stainless steel X2CrNiMo17-12-2Graciela Šterpin Valić
Auditory Brain-computer interface spellerIvan Markovinović
Advanced Polymeric Materials: Preparation, Properties and ApplicationsAndrej Borić
Analysis of non-stationary signals using time-frequency algorithms and deep learningVedran Jurdana
Application of a reconfigurable measuring system on a similar group of productsMaja Vlatković
Investigation of the influence of geometry characteristics on the enhancement of latent thermal energy storage thermal efficiencyMateo Kirinčić
Simulation-optimization approach for determining production schedulesDavid Ištoković


TitlePrincipal investigator
Lokalizacija gubitaka vode u vodoopskrbnim cjevovodima koristeći algoritme umjetne inteligencijeLado Kranjčević
Artificial Intelligence for Gene Expression PredictionGoran Mauša
Establishment of a framework for the application of reverse engineering and a digital twin for hydrofoil optimization for windsurfingTin Matulja


TitlePrincipal investigator
Environmental Engineering – project-oriented interdisciplinary micro-qualification pilot programLado Kranjčević
Advanced computational analytics in engineeringSiniša Družeta
TitlePrincipal investigatorType
Storage and visualization of biomedical optics dataSandi LjubićBilateral project Croatia – Slovenia
An energy park based on hydrogen technology and a battery system in the low-carbon transition of the northern AdriaticLado KranjčevićThe Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund  
Adaptive Algorithms for Integrating Compressive Sensing with Deep LearningJonatan LergaBilateral project Croatia – China
Predviđanje anomalnih putanja pomoću strojnog učenjaJonatan LergaBilateral project Croatia – Slovenia

Completed projects

TitlePrincipal investigator
Greener Approach to Ship Design and Optimal Route PlanningJasna Prpić-Oršić
Development of evolutionary procedures for characterization of biological tissues behaviorMarina Franulović
Enhancement of the heat exchanger energy efficiencyAnica Trp
Decision support system for green and safe ship routingJasna Prpić-Oršić
Modelling and simulation in development of advanced materialsMarina Franulović
Estimation of limit load capacity of engineering structuresDomagoj Lanc
Title of the projectProject participants     Project type
Metal Centre ČakovecZlatan CarOP Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020
A computational model of flow, flooding and pollution dispersion in rivers and coastal marine area – KLIMODLado KranjčevićOP Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020
Development of ecological production processes and new products of high quality through research and development activitiesSandro DobovičekOP Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020
ABsistemDCiCloudJonatan LergaOP Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020
DATACROSS: Advanced methods and technologies in data science and cooperative systemsZlatan Car
Viktor Sučić
Kristijan Lenac
OP Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020
FOCUSING EDUCATION ON COMPOSABILITY, COMPREHENSIBILITY AND CORRECTNESS OF WORKING SOFTWAREGoran MaušaERASMUS+ (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) 2017 – 2019
Use of Regressive Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Methods in Modelling of COVID-19 spreadZlatan CarCEI (Central European Initiative)
Maritime Environment-friendly TRanspOrt systems (METRO)Roko DejhallaInterreg Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2020
Interactive course for Control TheorySandi LjubićErasmus+ (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) 2018 – 2021
National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC – EUROCCLado KranjčevićEU H2020
Digital empowering trough HPC education – HiPowerEdLado KranjčevićERASMUS+ (KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness) 2020 – 2023
Promoting sustainability as a fundamental driver in software development training and education – SUSTRAINABLEGoran MaušaERASMUS+ (KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Strategic partnerships for higher education) 2020 – 2023
A network for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning – G2netJonatan Lerga
Ivan Štajduhar
COST Action 2018 – 2022

UNIRI projects 2018-2023

TitlePrincipal investigator
Research and development of machine learning-based predictive models of design-relevant materials’ behaviorRobert Basan
Investigation, analysis and modeling the behavior of structural elements stressed at room temperature and high temperaturesJosip Brnić
Nonlinear dynamic behavior of rotating machinesSanjin Braut
Advanced control structures in modern regulated electric drivesNeven Bulić
Development of an Intelligent Expert System for Online Bladder Cancer DiagnosisZlatan Car
Investigation of alternative cooling-lubrication techniques for sustainable machining of difficult-to-cut materialsGoran Cukor
Mechanical behaviour of nanostructuresMarko Čanađija
Interdisciplinary research on fluid flow in macro and micro systems using supercomputer simulationsZoran Čarija
Analysis of mathematical models of fluid mechanics and technical systems using data-driven algorithms for Koopman operatorNelida Črnjarić-Žic
Characterization and behavior research of advanced materials for mechanical componentsMarina Franulović
Smart Jacket DevelopmentMiroslav Joler
Application of incremental forming technologies in individual production of parts from advanced polymer materialsZoran Jurković
Hybrid 2D/3D model development for efficient flow modeling in rivers, lakes and seasLado Kranjčević
Numerical modeling of FG composite beam type structuresDomagoj Lanc
Embedded systems for 3D perceptionKristijan Lenac
Computer-aided digital analysis and classification of signalsJonatan Lerga
Optimization of heat pumps and refrigeration systems with low global warming potential refrigerants using numerical simulationBranimir Pavković
 Design principles and calibration method of reconfigurable inspection systemDuško Pavletić
Uncertainties of ship speed loss evaluation under real weather conditionsJasna Prpić-Oršić
Advanced methods of simulating the operational preparation of production planningMladen Perinić
Time-Frequency Distribution Reconstruction from the Signal Compressively Sensed Ambiguity FunctionViktor Sučić
Development of machine-learning-based techniques for illness and injury detection in medical imagesIvan Štajduhar
Finite element models for nonlinear analysis of thin-walled beam-type structureGoran Turkalj
Thermal energy storage and heat transfer in renewable energy systemsAnica Trp
Utjecaj opterećenja okoliša na značajke sustava dinamičkog pozicioniranja plovnih objekataMarko Valčić
Development of Methodology for Ship Design and Production towards Industry 4.0. ConceptAlbert Zamarin
Advanced mechatronics devices for smart technological solutionsSaša Zelenika


TitlePrincipal investigator
Multiscale Characterization of Friction by Using an Innovative Interdisciplinary ApproachMarko Perčić
MQL lubrication technique in combination with vortex tube cooling for sustainable turning of difficult-to-cut austenitic stainless steelGraciela Šterpin Valić
Energy optimisation of industrial robotic manipulators using evolutionary computing algorithmsNikola Anđelić
Application of aritifical intelligence for loss detection in urban water networks (SmartDetect)Luka Grbčić
Improvement of ecological aspects and hydropower turbines efficiency using artificial intelligenceIvana Lučin
Development of an intelligent system for estimating the maximum power point of a photovoltaic system with application to autonomous vesselsIvan Lorencin
Application of nanoindentation technique to assess the mechanical properties of AM metallic materialsJelena Srnec Novak
Analysis of solution properties for the micropolar real gas flow problemAngela Bašić-Šiško
Interdisciplinary Multiscale Characterisation of FrictionMarko Perčić
Microstructure and properties of thin surface layers developed upon nitriding of nickel and Ni-based alloyMatej Fonović
Sensor placement using reinforcement learningDiego Sušanj
Preparation and characterization of advanced polymer materialsAndrej Borić
Research and development of a modified simulation framework for determining the optimal time utilization of manufacturing systemsDavid Ištoković


TitlePrincipal investigator
Development of intelligent systems for the prediction of medical and economical effect of COVID-19Saša Vlahinić


TitlePrincipal investigator
Behavior of monolithic compliant mechanisms developed by additive technologiesKristina Marković
Applying machine learning for the discovery of peptides with catalytic activity Goran Mauša


TitlePrincipal investigator
Development of advanced rehabilitations device by using machine learning approachErvin Kamenar


Development of a new hybrid course of the Lifelong Learning Program “Elementary Mathematics for students from the STEM field“Ivan Dražić
TitlePrincipal investigatorType
Strengthening and Toughening Mechanisms of Mg2(SixSn1-x) Phase in Fine-grained Mg-Sn-Si- Al-Zn-Sb(-Sr) alloysMarko ČanađijaBilateral project Croatia – China
Thorax motion management in radiotherapy using machine learning techniquesIvan ŠtajduharBilateral project Croatia – Slovenia
Hyperspectral Image Analysis Using Machine Learning and Adaptive Data-Driven FilteringJonatan LergaBilateral project Croatia – Slovenia
Tribological material characterisation from the mamometric to the macrometric domainSaša ZelenikaBilateral project Croatia – Slovenia
Cost effective Renewable Energy harvesting in Croatian Islands (CRECI)Zoran ČarijaBilateral project Croatia – Norway
TitlePrincipal investigatorClient
Railway wagon electrification for reefer containers transport (REEWA)Dubravko FrankovićBICRO
Mechatronics design of a full arm rehabilitation deviceSaša ZelenikaZABA projekti
The Physics of Artificial Inteligence (PAI)”Senka MačešićDefence Advanced Reseach Project Agency
Expertise on Report of development of IMCS rules based on correction factors for ISO standard for motor and sailing mono-hulls with the length over 24 metersAlbert ZamarinInternational Marine Certification Institute, IMCI
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