Istraživači / Researchers:
- Doc. dr. sc. Ante Skoblar (voditelj laboratorija / head of the laboratory)
- Prof. dr. sc. Sanjin Braut
- Prof. dr. sc. Roberto Žigulić
- Doc. dr. sc. Goranka Štimac-Rončević
Oprema / Equipment:
_1. Active magnetic bearings and appropriate control unit

_2. CompactRIO Real-time Controller NI cRIO-9024 and different NI input and output modules

_3. Siglent signal generator and oscilloscope, Focus DC power supply

_4. Two channel Bruel & Kjaer Sound Level Meter 2270

_5. Roga Plug.n.DAQ, compact 2 channel in/out data acquisition device

_6. B&K Sound Calibrator Type 4231 and PCB Vibration Calibrator

_7. Different sound field exciters

_8. Small echoic chamber