Istraživači / Researchers:
- Doc. dr. sc. Goranka Štimac-Rončević (voditelj laboratorija / head of the laboratory)
- Prof. dr. sc. Sanjin Braut
- Prof. dr. sc. Roberto Žigulić
- Doc. dr. sc. Ante Skoblar
Oprema / Equipment:
_1. Industrial computer and Hermolab equipment for signal conditioning

_2. Schenck Vibroport 41, portable battery-powered two channel measuring instrument for machine diagnostics

_3. Signal generator Vibropower 41 with power amplifier for electrodynamic exciter Vibroexciter 41

_4. Rotor dynamic test rig with active magnetic bearings and corresponding control unit

_5. Rotor dynamic test rig for rotor/stator contact dynamics research

_6. Kistler Quartz impulse force hammer, Bruel&Kjaer non-contacting displacement pickups, Schenck acceleration sensors

_7. National Instruments multi-channel data acquisition system for measurements of sound and vibration

_8. Dewesoft Sirius multi-channel data acquisition system