Laboratory for Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection (LIEZO)
Head of the laboratory: Doc. dr. sc. Viktor Dragičević,
The Laboratory for Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection was established in 2000 and operates within the Department of Thermodynamics and Energy at the Technical Faculty of Rijeka.
By purchasing appropriate measuring equipment, the conditions for the work of the laboratory on tests for the needs of scientific research as well as outside the framework of the parent institution have been acquired. The Laboratory for Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection has equipment for measuring the efficiency of energy devices and for determining emissions through flue gases from energy and industrial plants.
These measurements are a legal obligation of all owners of power plants and there is a possibility of working with the economy and the market, in order to carry out these measurements as well as control measurements for the needs of the customer.
It will be possible to perform measurements to determine the emissions of harmful substances from pollution sources that can be further used as input data for modeling the operation of the device in real operating conditions or dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, and various statistical indicators.
The laboratory conducts warranty tests of the equipment in order to check the efficiency and emission of flue gases declared by the manufacturers. In collaboration with equipment manufacturers, it is possible to conduct research to improve the efficiency of the device and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the air.
Laboratory equipment
No. | Name | Puropuse – scope |
1 | Device for isokinetic sampling of solids content in gases – SICK SCH-501 | determination of solids concentration in waste gas |
2 | Analytic weighing scale – OHAUS | Precise weight measurment |
3 | Flue gas analyser TESTO 350-XL | Flue gas analysis |
4 | Desicator | Sample drying |
5 | Drying furnace |

This equipment is used for research purposes as part of scientific research projects. The measurement results will be used to validate numerical simulations of pollutant transport and simulations of power plant operation.
Equipment for measuring the concentration of solid particles in flue gases is used as part of the research of steam generator efficiency and is used for measurements for the needs of external users.
In addition, the purpose of the equipment is to measure the concentration of solid particles for the needs of other scientific research and technological development projects and for the validation of the results of numerical simulations.
The Laboratory for Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection, which operates within the Department of Thermodynamics and Energy, is able to offer various technical services according to user needs.
With scientific and professional staff and available equipment for measurements and testing, the Laboratory for Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection can offer its customers a wide range of services:
- preventive measurements of emissions as part of the maintenance of thermal power plants
- preparation of studies and studies related to reducing emissions and increasing energy efficiency
- testing the energy efficiency of thermal power plants
- conducting testing of emissions from stationary sources as part of the legal obligations of users
The laboratory is responsible for conducting tests in accordance with the requirements of the international standard HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005, or parts of the standard relating to the professional and technical competence of the laboratory, and in accordance with the needs of users and the requirements of laws and regulations.
Selected laboratory references
- Preliminary and main project of reconstruction of the boiler room for the use of biomass in the elementary school “Mrkopalj”, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, 2011
- Preliminary, main and detailed design of the reconstruction of the boiler room for the use of biomass in the elementary school “Ivan Goran Kovačić”, Delnice, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, 2011
- Revitalization of steam generator 341-G003 in INA refinery Rijeka, 2007.
- Ship waste incinerator, MAY 3 – TIBO d.d., 2004.
- New approach to energy use of biomass, project number: TP – 01/0069 – 03,
- Feasibility study of the use of biogenic waste material in a plant with anaerobic fermentation on the island of Krk, Ponikve d.o.o., Krk, 2012.
- Study on the possibilities of using wood biomass for heating schools in the area of Gorski Kotar, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, 2009
- Testing the efficiency of fuel additives in TPP Osijek, TPP Sisak, TPP Rijeka, 2007.
- Pinch analysis of heat exchange in a petrochemical plant, Techno Bell Ltd. for MOL, 2006
- Optimization of the turbo-generator system in Energana INA – Maziva, Rijeka, 2003.
- Feasibility study of the project of a modular cogeneration plant with indirect use of biomass energy in a gas turbine, Technological research and development project
- Measurement of steam generator emission SG-6401C in DIOKI d.d. Zagreb, 2002
- Measurement of emissions of flue gases and solid particles from stationary sources for Energo d.o.o. in heating plants in the area of the city of Rijeka, 2004 – 2010
- Measurement of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources for INA d.d. – RN Rijeka, 2008
- Measurement of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources for INA d.d. – RN Sisak, 2008.
List of selected published papers in proceedings
Authors | M. Miletić, V. Dragičević |
Title | Energy potential from municipal solid waste in southeast Europe |
Published in | Energy and the Environment (Energija i okoliš), XXV znanstveni skup o energiji i zaštiti okoliša |
Authors | V. Dragičević, Z. Prelec, B. Franković |
Title | Nitric oxide emissions from stationary oil-fired furnaces |
Published in | Proceedings of 6th Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies |
Authors | V. Dragičević, Z. Prelec, B. Franković |
Title | Optimisation of a cogeneration plant using pinch method |
Published in | Energy and the Environment (Energija i okoliš), XX znanstveni skup o energiji i zaštiti okoliša |
Authors | V. Dragičević, Z. Prelec, N. Matković |
Title | Emisija lebdećih čestica iz stacionarnih izvora |
Published in | Četvrti hrvatski znanstveno-stručni skup – Zaštita zraka 05’ – Zbornik radova |
Authors | T. Mrakovčić, V. Medica, V. Dragičević |
Title | Numerical modelling of power plants under dynamic working conditions |
Published in | Energy and the Environment (Energija i okoliš), Opatija, 2004 |
Authors | V. Dragičević |
Title | Utjecaj sastava goriva na emisije dušikovih oksida (NOx) iz ložišta na tekuća goriva |
Published in | Energy and the Environment (Energija i okolis), Opatija, 2002. |
Authors | V. Dragičević |
Title | Mjerenje emisije štetnih sastojaka iz stacionarnih izvora |
Published in | Energetska I procesna postrojenja, Dubrovnik, 2002. |
Authors | V. Dragičević, M. Miletić, B. Pavković |
Title | Investigation on possibilities for biogas production from organic waste on the Croatian island of Krk |
Published in | Technical gazette / Tehnički vjesnik |
Authors | Z. Prelec, T. Mrakovčić, V. Dragičević |
Title | Performance study of fuel oil additives in real power plant operating conditions |
Published in | Fuel processing technology |
Authors | Z. Prelec, T. Mrakovčić, V. Dragičević |
Title | Tehnički i ekološki aspekti projektiranja brodskih spaljivača otpada |
Published in | Pomorski zbornik / Annals of Maritime Studies |