
8. July 2024.

Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering

Contact information Head Prof. Anica Trp Address Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering Faculty of EngineeringVukovarska 5851000 Rijeka Through fusion of the Department of Heat and Cooling with the Department of Heat Engines, the Department of Energy and Energy Plants

8. July 2024.

Laboratory of Ship Construction and Outfitting

Laboratory od Ship Construction and Outfitting VIRTUAL REALITY ON CAD SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LABORATORY VR devices: 1. HTC VIVE with tripods is fully compatible with the CATIA V5 software solution and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform 2. OCULUS RIFT Description: Virtual Reality, VR

8. July 2024.

Laboratory of ship Hydromechanics

RELEVANT EQUIPMENT 1. Towing tank with wave generator The tank is 5 m long and 2,5 m wide. 2. Propeller pitch measurement device 3. Shining 3D EinScan PRO2x 3D scanner

8. July 2024.

Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Contact information Head Prof. Marko Hadjina Address Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Faculty of EngineeringVukovarska 5851000 Rijeka With the founding of the Chair of Naval Architecture in the academic year of 1968-69 at the then Mechanical Engineering Faculty

8. July 2024.

Laboratory of Computer Engineering in Naval Architecture

Person in charge: Prof. Dr.Sc. Albert Zamarin, Naval Architect Members-researchers: Aims 1. To provide support in the process of designing the structure of vessels, from modelling of merchant ships, small vessels and other marine structures, development of computer structural models

8. July 2024.

Laboratory of Ocean Engineering

LIST OF SIGNIFICANT EQUIPMENT 1. Wave Measurement Buoy Title: WaveDroid Block III Wave Measurement Buoy with Anchor Line Manufacturer: H-max, Rijswijk, The Netherlands Web: Purpose: Measurement and estimation of wave parameters (significant wave height, maximum wave height, peak wave

8. July 2024.

Acoustic and Testing Machines Laboratory

Head: Assist. Prof. Željko Vrcan, D. Sc. M. E. Research Area: The Laboratory for Acoustic Measurements deals with the generation and transmission of sounds through solid, liquid and gaseous matter, as well as with the consequences of exposure to sound,

8. July 2024.

Innovative Materials Structures Modeling Laboratory

Head: Assist. Prof. Kristina Marković, D. Sc. M. E. Area of Scientific Interest: • Elastooptic measurements (ili testing ako ti više odgovara) • STEM education with educational robotics and 3D EXPERIENCE platform • Virtual reality • 3D modelling, 3D scanning

8. July 2024.

Laboratory for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Head: Assist. Prof. Goran Gregov, D. Sc. M. E. Areas of Interest: Measurement of hydraulic system parameters. Analysis of hydraulic motor parameters with laboratory brake loading system. Measurement of pneumatic system parameters. Analysis of servo-pneumatic system parameters. Laboratory Brake Loading

8. July 2024.

Laboratory for Machine Elements and Design

Head: Prof. Neven Lovrin, D. Sc. M. E. Research Area: The Laboratory for Machine Elements and Design deals with the analysis of machine elements, devices and machines, and with the physical measurement of the effects of their operation and the

8. July 2024.

Product Design and Analysis Laboratory

Head: Prof. Robert Basan, D. Sc. M. E. Location: Department of Mechanical Engineering Design (Laboratory building), Room 1-125 Laboratory Field of Activity: • measurement of displacements, deformations, strains and stresses as well as other mechanical quantities – force, torsional moment

8. July 2024.

Reverse Engineering Laboratory

Head: Assist. Prof. Tea Marohnić, D. Sc. M. E. Location: Department of Mechanical Engineering Design (laboratory building), room 1-125 Scope / Area of Interest • Surface roughness measurement • Research and scientific work • Laboratory exercises (graduate study of mechanical


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