8. July 2024.
Istraživači / Researchers: Oprema / Equipment: _1. Industrial computer and Hermolab equipment for signal conditioning _2. Schenck Vibroport 41, portable battery-powered two channel measuring instrument for machine diagnostics _3. Signal generator Vibropower 41 with power amplifier for electrodynamic exciter Vibroexciter
Asistive Technology Laboratory Location: 2-50 , LABORATORY L13 Head prof. dr. sc. Miroslav Vrankić miroslav.vrankic@riteh.hr +385 51 651441, int. 2441 (Office 1-10) Researchers: prof. dr. sc. Miroslav Vrankić prof. dr. sc. Saša Vlahinić asist. Ivan Markovinović asist. Zoran Šverko asist.
Equipment of the Electronics Laboratory General Remarks This list is intended to give an impression of the equipment that is available on the Electronics Laboratory. Equipment list Type Manufacturer Specificatioins Oscilloscope DSOX2004A Keysight Technology 4 CH, 70 MHz Oscilloscope GDS-2004
Head Prof. Neven Bulić Email address neven.bulic@riteh.uniri.hr Telephone +385 51 651413, int. 2413 (Office) Location 2-57 Researchers: Prof. Zlatan Car Assoc. Prof. Neven Bulić assistant Nikola Anđelić assistant Sebastijan Blažević assistant Dominik Cikač assistant Nikola Lopac assistant Ivan Lorencin assistant
Member Prof. Saša Vlahinić Email address sasa.vlahinic@riteh.uniri.hr Telephone +385 51 651447, int. 2447 (Office) Location 1-11 Head postdoc. Ivan Markovinović Email address ivan.markovinovic@riteh.uniri.hr Telephone +385 51 505720, int. 2598 Location L13-250 Researchers: Prof. dr. sc. Nino Stojković Asist. Ivan Markovinović
Laboratory for Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection (LIEZO) Head of the laboratory: Doc. dr. sc. Viktor Dragičević, dipl.ing.str. The Laboratory for Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection was established in 2000 and operates within the Department of Thermodynamics and Energy at
Laboratory facilities Room 0-8 located in the basement of the laboratory building, total floor area 278 m2 shared with Laboratory of Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning and Laboratory of Thermal measurements. Laboratory of Refrigeration uses approximately 90 m2. Room 2-122 at
Laboratory of Thermal Measurements Head of the laboratory: Prof. D. Sc. Kristian Lenić Laboratory activities Teaching and research activities. Measurements in the field of thermodynamics and thermal engineering as well as the provision of measuring equipment for measuring thermodynamic quantities
Contact information Head Prof. Saša Vlahinić Address Department of Automation and Electronics Vukovarska 5851000 Rijeka The Department of Automation and Electronics was founded after the division of the Department into sub-departments – Automation, Electronics and Computing, at the end of
Head of the Laboratory: Assoc. Prof. D. Sc. Igor Wolf About the Laboratory The Laboratory for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning operates within the Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka. It performs