
8. July 2024.

Research and Projects

There are large number of researchers at the Faculty of Engineering, whose research activities are mostly focused on four scientific fields: mechanical engineering, naval architecture, electrical engineering and computer science. They also cover fundamental and interdisciplinary technical sciences. This structure enables the

8. July 2024.


Project title ABsistemDCiCloud Short description of the project Alarm automatika, in cooperation with the Technical Faculty in Rijeka, through research and development activities in the field of ecology and safety, designed a product that is at the same time intended

8. July 2024.


The project aims to: Build innovation, cross-border clusters of SMEs and R&D Institutes, which interact with each other and with clients and suppliers and often share a pool of specialist labor, business and financial services, R&D and training facilities. Promote

8. July 2024.

ADRIATInn Co-lab

Natječaj Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci objavljuje natječaj za odabir osobe za obavljanje administrativnih poslova u okviru Projekta IPA CBC ADRIATinn – An Adriatic Network for Advancing Research Development and Innovation towards the Creation of new Policies for Sustainable Competiveness

8. July 2024.

Laboratories and Equipment

Scientific research is mostly conducted in the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering. There are 50 laboratories equipped with specific equipment in order to ensure the implementation of scientific research activities and the realization of relevant research results. Acoustics and

8. July 2024.

Publications and Conferences

Faculty of Engineering have numerous scientific activities related to the publication and dissemination of scientific research results through the publishing of the scientific journal Engineering Review and also through the organization of scientific conferences. International Journal Engineering Review IX. MEĐUNARODNO

8. July 2024.

Office for Projects and Technology Transfer

Contact information Head Sara Volarić, Grad. Economist Address Office for Projects and Technology Transfer Professional Administrative StaffFaculty of EngineeringZgrada tehničkog fakultetaVukovarska 5851000 Rijeka Members Sara Volarić, Grad. Economist

8. July 2024.


8. July 2024.

Doctoral Studies

DOCTORAL STUDIES IN THE AREA OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES Head: Prof. D. Sc. Kristijan Lenac The Doctor of Science degree which students acquire indicates a number of competencies: superior knowledge in a particular scientific field within the engineering sciences; ability of

8. July 2024.

Aims and Learning Outcomes

Aims The Doctor of Science degree which students acquire indicates a number of competencies: superior knowledge in a particular scientific field within the engineering sciences; ability of original scientific research; excellent knowledge of literature and unexplained problems in a particular

8. July 2024.


PDS-1 Application form PDS-2 Curriculum Vitae PDS-3 Reference – Supervisor’s Consent PDS-4 Annual Report on Programme Activities PDS-5 Annual Doctoral Candidate Report PDS-6 Request to Change Topic – Supervisor PDS-7 Annual Supervisor Report PDS-8 Submission of the Doctoral Dissertation Topic

8. July 2024.

Study fees

Tuition fee for one semester is: 1.000,00 EUR. Payment must be made prior to each semester enrollment during the first three years of study.


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