Zavod za tehničku mehaniku

prof. dr. sc. Goran Turkalj



(Int. 2499)



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  • Nelinearna analiza konstrukcija / Nonlinear structural analysis (doktorski studij / Ph.D. study)
  • Računarska analiza stabilnosti konstrukcija / Computational structural stability analysis (doktorski studij / Ph.D. study)
  • Čvrstoća konstrukcija II / Strength of Materials II (diplomski studij strojarstva / M.Sc. mech. eng. study)
  • Stabilnost konstrukcija / Structural stability (diplomski studij strojarstva / M.Sc. mech. eng. study)
  • Računarska analiza konstrukcija / Computational structural analysis (prijeddiplomski studij strojarstva / B.Sc. mech. eng. study)
  • Čvrstoća konstrukcija I / Strength of Materials I (prijeddiplomski studij strojarstva / B.Sc. mech. eng. study)
  • Čvrstoća konstrukcija / Strength of Materials (prijeddiplomski sveučilišni studij brodogradnje / B.Sc. nav. arch. study)


  • Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Nauka o čvrstoći I (Strength of Materials II), Sveučilište u Rijeci, Tehnički fakultet, Rijeka, 2004. (Errata)
  • Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Nauka o čvrstoći II (Strength of Materials I), Zigo, Rijeka, 2006. (Errata)

Izabrani radovi/Selected works:

  • Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: A geometrically nonlinear finite element formulation for buckling analysis of shear deformable angle-ply composite beam-type structures, Computers & Structures301, 2024, 107427.
  • Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Stability analysis of shear deformable cross-ply laminated composite beam-type structures, Composite Structures303, 2023, art. no. 116270.
  • Pešić, I., Turkalj, G.: Large displacement analysisi of laminated beam-type structures, Engineering Review43 (2), 2023, 80-90.
  • Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Thermal buckling analysis of thin-walled closed FG beam-type structures, Thin-Walled Structures181, 2022, art. no. 110075.
  • Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Lanc, D.: Numerical model for a geometrically nonlinear analysis of beams with composite cross-sections, Journal of Composites Science(12), 377, 2022.
  • Kvaternik Simonetti, S., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Banić, D.: Bimetalic thin-walled box beam thermal buckling response, Materials15, 2022, art. no. 7535.
  • Turkalj, G., Banić, D., Lanc, D.: Stability analysis of shear-deformable composite beam-type structures, Structural Stability Research Council Newsletter, April 2021.
  • Randić, M., Pavletić, D. Turkalj, G.: Multiparametric investigation of welding techniques on toe radius of high strength steel at low-temperature levels using 3D-scanning techniques, Metals9 (12), 2019, art. no. 1355.
  • Kvaternik, S., Filippi, M., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Carrera, E.: Comparison of classical and refined beam-models applied on isotropic and FG thin-walled beams in nonlinear buckling response, Composite Structures229, 2019, art. no. 111490.
  • Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Banić, D., Brnić, J., Vo, T. P.: Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams, Composite Structures189, 2018, pp. 648-660.
  • Kvaternik, S., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Analysis of flexure, torsion and buckling of thin-walled frames with focus on the joint warping behaviour, Transactions of FAMENA41 (4), 2017, pp. 1-10.
  • Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Finite element stress analysis of elastic beams under non-uniform torsion, Transactions of FAMENA40 (2), 2016, pp. 71-82.
  • Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Vo, T. P., Brnić, J.: Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams, Composite Structures152, 2016, pp. 829-839.
  • Pešić, I., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G.: Non-linear global stability analysis of thin-walled laminated beam-type structures, Computers & Structures173, 2016, pp. 19-30.
  • Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brnić, J., Pešić, I.: A beam formulation for large displacement analysis of composite frames with semi-rigid connections, Composite Structures134, 2015, pp. 237246.
  • Lanc, D., Vo, T. P., Turkalj, G., Lee, J.: Buckling analysis of thin-walled functionally graded sandwich box beams, Thin-Walled Structures86, 2015, pp. 148-156.
  • Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Pešić, I.: Global buckling analysis model for thin-walled composite laminated beam type structures, Composite Structures111, 2014, pp. 371–38.
  • Kravanja, S., Turkalj, G., Šilih, S., Žula T.: Optimal design of single-story steel building structures based on parametric MINLP optimization, Journal of Constructional Steel Research81 (1), 2013, pp. 86-103.
  • Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D., Kravanja, S.: Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics12 (3), 2012, art. no. 1250013 (23).
  • Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Kravanja, S.: A beam model for large displacement analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled beam-type structures, Thin-Walled Structures49 (8), 2011, pp. 10071016.
  • Brnic, J., Turkalj, G., Canađija: Shear stress analysis in engineering beams using deplanation field of special 2-D finite elements, Meccanica45 (2), 2010, pp. 227235.
  • Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brnic, J.: Large displacement beam model for creep buckling analysis of framed structures, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics9 (1), 2009, pp. 61-83.
  • Turkalj, G., Brnic, J., Vizentin, G., Lanc, D.: Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008, 499 (1-2), 2009, pp. 74-77.
  • Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Brnic, J.: Large displacement analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior, Materials Science and Engineering: A499 (1-2), 2009, pp. 142-146.
  • Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Brnic, J.: Finite element model for creep buckling analysis of beam-type structures, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering24 (11), 2008, pp. 989-1008.
  • Turkalj, G., Vizentin, G., Lanc, D.: Finite element modelling of the cbehaviour of connections in the stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures, Transactions of FAMENA31 (1), 2007, pp. 25-36.
  • Turkalj, G., Čehić, Z., Brnić, J.: A beam model for the buckling analysis of curved beam-type structures considering curvature effects, Transactions of FAMENA30 (1), 2006, pp. 1-16.
  • Turkalj, G., Brnic, J., Prpic-Oršic, J.: ESA formulation for large displacement analysis of framed structures with elastic-plasticity, Computers & Structures, 82 (23-26), 2004, pp. 2001-2013.
  • Turkalj, G., Brnic, J.: Non-linear stability analysis of thin-walled frames using UL-ESA formulation, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics4 (1), 2004, pp. 45-67.
  • Brnic, J., Turkalj, G.: New finite elements in shear stress analysis of Saint-Venant’s torsional loaded beam structures, Journal of Materials Science and Technology19 (Suppl. 1), 2003, pp. 151-153.
  • Turkalj, G., Brnic, J., Prpic-Oršic, J.: Large rotation analysis of elastic thin-walled beam-type structures using ESA approach, Computers & Structures81 (18-19), 2003, pp. 1851-1864.
  • Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Analiza elastičnog izvijanja tankostjenih grednih konstrukcija s obzirom na velike rotacije, Strojarstvo, 42, 2000, pp. 217-230.
  • Turkalj, G.: Nelinearna analiza stabilnosti tankostjenih grednih struktura, doktorska disertacija/PhD thesis, Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2000.
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